Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Rest and Sleep..essential for healthy life

Rest and sleep play a vital role in health and well being. Sound sleep is essential for mental and physical health. Sleep heals your mind and body. Sleep also repairs your heart and blood vessels.
Sleep deficiency shift your mind towards negative thoughts and is also linked with anxiety, fear and depression.
 Optimum sleep helps to wake up refreshed and relaxed. Seven to eight hours sleep is recommended for an adult. Sleep helps t restore body's energy, repair muscle tissues and trigger the release of hormones that effect growth and appetite. We get more emotional stability with adequate sleep, that keeps our mind strong and positive. Sleep is the essential key of a healthy life style to take care of our heart, posture and our mind.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Be kind to those who behave rude....

 We can see people who are rude. It is so hard to cope up with people who behaves bad.
These kind of people are really not aware of their behaviour. They always feel insecure. They are selfish and possessive. In all walks of life we can meet such personalities who cares about themselves only. They don't like to hear or listen others, appreciate or respect others, love or care others and also to follow others. They prefer everybody to follow them. Then it becomes a habit and they love to stay like that which makes them slowly detached from the flow.That type of behaviour will take away peace, happiness and also health from them and those who are with them. Don't take such situations personally.
Smile and stay silent in such situations. Face rudeness with kindness and respect. It is better to change yourself to adjust in such situations not for them, but for you, because you need not be in a bad situation Keep clam and draw a boundary, can be done mentally and stay in your space to get away. Be kind to the unkind because they need kindness to be calm within them. Walk away from them to show them and give a message that you won't accept or tolerate such a type of behaviour.
Always stay in a cheerful situation. Visualise the situations, bring the person in your mental portrait and pray for them to get the power of humility.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Forget and Forgive to live in Peace

'Forget' means great to self, and of course helps us not to remember sad and unwanted things and not to rent out a space in our heart for those who hurt us. Letting them free is such a generous thing.
'Forgiveness' means releasing our own feelings of hurt and anger. It also helps to develop empathy and compassion for the one who hurt us.
We are not too much spiritual enough to show our other cheek when we are slapped in one. So what to do is, don't get worried and be bothered too much about other's mistakes. But we have to take care for us, because we alone are responsible for our own happiness. So for the sake of our own health and harmony, let us forget the unwanted things and forgive them who did that. If not, we will only be increasing our blood pressure. Smile beautifully at problems to keep them away. Apply the powerful tool, Silence and avoid many of the problems in front of us. Smile and Silence in a positive way are the strong catalysts of  Forgiveness. Train your 'MIND' to practice Smile and Silence positively.
 Forgiveness brings 'PEACE' and helps us to move on and on.