Rest and sleep play a vital role in health and well being. Sound sleep is essential for mental and physical health. Sleep heals your mind and body. Sleep also repairs your heart and blood vessels.
Sleep deficiency shift your mind towards negative thoughts and is also linked with anxiety, fear and depression.
Optimum sleep helps to wake up refreshed and relaxed. Seven to eight hours sleep is recommended for an adult. Sleep helps t restore body's energy, repair muscle tissues and trigger the release of hormones that effect growth and appetite. We get more emotional stability with adequate sleep, that keeps our mind strong and positive. Sleep is the essential key of a healthy life style to take care of our heart, posture and our mind.
Sleep deficiency shift your mind towards negative thoughts and is also linked with anxiety, fear and depression.
Optimum sleep helps to wake up refreshed and relaxed. Seven to eight hours sleep is recommended for an adult. Sleep helps t restore body's energy, repair muscle tissues and trigger the release of hormones that effect growth and appetite. We get more emotional stability with adequate sleep, that keeps our mind strong and positive. Sleep is the essential key of a healthy life style to take care of our heart, posture and our mind.