Monday, January 1, 2018

Energy and Health

                                                                             “A seed is a tree in its infinitesimal form”. When it is sown the sprout is magnified gradually into a tree. Similarly there is energy in human cells. When it is magnified by positive thoughts the world of wisdom is open to us. That is empowering self. Empowerment is self actualisation which is the ultimate aim of life.

                                                     We encourage a person to do or act by tapping the energy that is dormant in the person. Energy is a Greek word means ‘in work’. It is the capacity for performing work. We use the term motivation and empowerment based on the nature of the context in which the person is metamorphosing. Whatever be the person we adopt, we are aiming at the stratum of energy intrinsic in the person. The word energy seems to be very simple but in a deeper contemplation it is an obscure one.               

                                  Energy was a mystic power for our ancestors as it was beyond the limits of mental and empirical reasoning of that period. They realized the thunder of waterfall as mystic energy and the objects falling towards earth as occult energy. It has only an assumable existence even though it is a dynamic quality. As our scientific knowledge developed we differentiated the concept into various forms of energy such as gravitational, chemical, electrical, atomic, nuclear etc.

                                                                  Einstein, the father of modern science brought energy into lay man’s knowledge by this outstanding contribution of the definition E = MC sq. The gift of energy is immeasurable to the modern world. At the same time it makes the world in an exploding condition by its devilish nature as it is evident by our agitation against the use of nuclear power and cyber conflicts. We know that we can prosper by its angelic power or perish within seconds by its devilish nature.

Energy reigns over everything, whether it is physical, mental or spiritual. The importance of energy in human development is fully recognised. In our physical world energy is related to the field of power engineering. In the metaphysical world the spiritual leaders are relentlessly advocating this invisible energy to identify and uplift for a healthy living. Suryanamaskar is a conscious contribution of our Rishis to boost up energy for immunity and health.  From the photosynthesis of plants and to the maintenance of body temperatures we need energy. Our epics give a pragmatic description of energy in the form of advice given by Lord Krishna to Arjuna that, “there is only one absolute energy -the omnipotence- and all the human beings are lateral realities of energy. One cannot conquer or destroy energy but can destroy only the entropy of energy or forms of energy which is transitional as evil.” It is what we are studying as energy can neither be created nor be destroyed.

   Our human cell is a family of energy particles. The power plants of the cell- the mitochondria- are responsible for health and immunity. Transitional energy of positive thoughts keeps the cell impervious to disease while negative thoughts induce all kinds of illness. Meditative energy is the positive channelling of which gives immunity and holiness. Memories are stored in us as an energy pattern. Some memories are destructive beliefs that can bring out stress response and make one susceptible to illness of all forms which can easily withdraw the person from positive action.

                                                                      Power of positivity is the gateway to accumulate vibrant positive energy that can help one to lead a healthy social life. They can make a change in their life to build up peace and bliss in the Universe.








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