Friday, September 20, 2013

Vajrasana massage

Sit in vajrasana. Place both feet under the hips and get hips fit on the feet. Big toe of right feet
should be over left big toe. Keep spine, neck and head straight. Place hands on knees. This is
vajrasana posture.
Massage the back from upper side to lower side on kidney region.
Blood circulation get regulated in all parts of the abdomen.
This exercise is curative and preventive for kidney disorders.
The posture is good for digestion.

Half Tree pose

Stand erect, keeping feet together. Place hands beside body. Raise right leg without bending the knee and keep the right foot in the side just above the left knee.The sole of the right foot should be upper
  and toes pointing down. Simultaneously raise both the hands over the head and place in namaskar mudra. Balance on left leg , stand straight breathing normally. Increase the time of standing on each
leg during practice. Return to the starting position and change on to the other leg.
Keeps one  alert, conscious and balanced.

Crocodile movement...

 Lie on the stomach. Keep the arms raised and bent at the elbow. Raise the head. Keep the legs straight. Now turn the body from the waist to the right and the leg of the side folded.
Then repeat the practice on the left side. 3 to 5 twists to each side will do. The whole movement
resemble the movement of a crocodile.
Finally relax for two minutes.
Strengthens abdominal , thigh and calf muscles.
Regulates endocrine system, menstrual system and blood circulation.

Stretching and Breathing on Supine position

Lie on your back. Keep feet together. Place hands beside the thighs facing downwards. While inhaling,
stretch the hands over the head and simultaneously point the toes forward. Hold the breath and feel the stretch for 5 to 10 seconds. While exhaling return to the original position. Inhale and exhale slowly and steadily. Close your eyes throughout the practice. This is a
wonderful breathing cum stretching exercise.
Repeat this 15 to 21 times which can be a full workout for the time.
Strengthens the body, relaxes and strengthens the muscles.
Excellent for lungs, because it massages every air  sac and strengthens it.
Useful in hypertension,  heart disease, arthritis, bronchitis, back pain and shoulder pain.
Equivalent to an asana❤️
My favourite exercise which is giving a full workout.
Visualise you are stretching your body like a rubber band. Give the maximum stretch and experience the maximum time you can hold the breath. Don’t force yourself to do. Know your body and do it. Watch your body adjusting with it. Observe the changes in your body. Go on continuing.
Feel free to contact me between 8am to 6pm. Thank you ❤️


Lie on the back with feet together and hands on the side of the thighs facing palms downward.
Raise knees and bring feet nearer to the hips keeping them about 6 to 9 inches apart. While
inhaling raise the hips and the hands upwards simultaneously. Keep the hands over the head
on the floor. While exhaling bring back the hands and hip on the original position. Relax
for a while. Repeat 3 to 5 times relax.
Mitigates the painful condition of diseases like arthritis, cervical or lumbar spondylitis and
sciatica, for regular doers of this asana.
Helps in strengthening muscles of chest, hips, shoulders and hands.


Lie on the back comfortably. Raise hands and legs above the ground. Stretch right leg and right hand
 and simultaneously draw back the left hand and left leg. Then stretch the left leg and left hand. Draw
back the right leg and hand. Do this exercise 10 to 15 times. After finishing relax for a minute.
Do this exercise in normal breath.
Strengthens abdominal muscles.

Pavan Muktasana....

Lie down on back with feet close together. Keep hands on side of the body with palms facing down.
Inhale, raise both the legs to 90 degrees and then bend both the legs at the knees. Make a finger lock with hands and place just below the knees. Simultaneously raise the head and shoulders and bring the
nose in between the knees.   Bring thighs close to the chest. While exhaling return to the original position. Repeat this exercise three to five times.

This is gas releasing pose. It releases excess gas from the abdomen. Those who suffers from
constipation must do this exercise after drinking a glass of lukewarm water for proper evacuation
of bowels.
This exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles, liver, spleen, pancreas and stomach.

Ardha Pavan Muktasana...

Lie down on the back with feet close together. Place palms beside the body. Inhale slowly
and raise right leg and head , bend leg at the knees. Bring thigh close to the abdomen, interlock the
fingers and press the thigh against the abdomen. Hold for a while. Slowly exhale bring head and
the leg back to the original position. Relax for a while. Repeat the same with left leg.

Benefits.....Helpful in removing gas accumulated in the digestive tract. This is good for back pain, abdomen and buttocks.
Those who suffers from cervical spondylitis, heart disease and hypertension, consult your doctor
before doing the exercise.

Uttan Padasana

Lie on the back with legs and hands straight, feet together, palms on the floor, facing downwards.
While inhaling slowly raise legs to 90 degrees without bending at the knees. Hold the posture for
30 seconds. While exhaling slowly return to the lying position without bending the knees.
Strengthens abdominal muscles and intestinal organs.
Beneficial in constipation.

Ardha halasana

Lie on the back, with feet together. Keep palms beside the thighs, palm facing downwards.
Inhale slowly and rise one leg, as much as possible, without bending the knees. Hold the
posture for 30 seconds, then bring it downwards slowly while exhaling. Relax for a while.
Similarly repeat on the other leg.
This asana directly massages the abdomen.
Good for ankles, knees and thighs.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Tree pose for balance....

Stand erect, keeping feet together. Bend the right leg and keep the foot on the left thigh joint,
palms over the head in namaskar mudra. Try to balance the body on the left leg. Look straight,
breathing normally. Care should be taken to keep elbows and knees straight. Return to the starting
position and change on the other leg.
Strengthen leg muscles. Relieves aches and pain in leg muscles. Keeps mind alert, increases
consciousness, balancing power of the body and concentration power of the brain. Excellent for students and good for all ages.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Treasure your close relationship.....get your soul nourished...

Strong relationship with your partner  can motivate you to take care of yourself. Live with a loving partner in a relationship of mutual respect and sharing.
Your partner and family can become an important buffer from stresses in your everyday life.
Keep on your relationship healthy thus giving a nice message to your children and their friends, to keep building a strong loving relationships, which can be a source of prosperity, happiness and peace.
A healthy relationship helps to think ahead prepare plans for years ahead. Your relationship with your partner can be an important base for helping you to stay healthy and succeed in life. If you are in tune with everything in your life, you are going to be much, much better off.

Give priority to health

You can stay healthy on the responsibility you take for it. Enjoy in what you are involved and be in good health. Caring your grandchild...treat it as

an exercise and enjoy being healthy.
 Go for fun, where ever you are, try ,win have fun, exercise your mind and brain, share it back home
with your friends and relatives, wait for the next trip, and stay active and healthy.
Go for regular medical check up to listen to your body. Of course you are not away from all diseases, but many of the serious can be prevented .
Go for regular exercises to stay healthy. Living without some form of exercises will lead to poor
health, and probably sooner than you think. If you want to be preventative, exercise systematically.
Eat healthy ....doesn't mean giving up favourite food. Low fat meals, care to portion size and healthy
cooking methods are the ideal steps to take care.

Fruits can do wonders....

If you are so interested to be healthy and be more slimmer, go for a fruit day a week
along with your routine exercises and healthy eating.
If conscious on your BMI, to make it 22, no worries ,take a challenge, one day a week
go only with fruits.
Go for a variety of organic fruits. On the fruit day you can have green tea twice and fruits
5 or 6 times the day. Don't feel anything as unusual.
Next day when you go for your body test, you can see the result, you might have lost 2 to 3 lbs.
This is my personal experience.
Include your family and friends also, then it will be easier to start and maintain the fruit day.
Also you are doing a great service ,helping others  learn how to make choices that help them
lead healthier lives.
I prefer Mondays.....So those who are interested....get ready, start, go....reap health and happiness.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Enjoy your favourite activity.....

Which is your favourite?  Is it gardening / travelling/ photography/ singing/dancing or
playing with children /grand children....These activities not bring you enjoyment, but also boost
your health. I love , teaching, capacity building skills and life skills to girls and women
entrepreneurs. These classes reminds me how important is to keep balance my life. It's
more for self- fulfilment and personal development. I believe in challenging my mind
to learn new skills and create ways to use my skills. I give relaxation to the senior women
of  a charitable organisation where I do service.
We ( me and my husband) prepare travel trips and explore areas by trekking, walking, which
increase muscle strength and endurance.

Mental Attitude

 "Wherever you go, go with all your heart. "
Mind is the most powerful weapon of your development. If your heart is with you , you can
be proactive and get involved in activities of your home, neighbourhood and society.
When I was in Perth, I was able to manage both
inside and outside. I joined a conversation group,
and tutored there. Joined school for seniors, participated in activities and also shared my knowledge in yoga, meditation and human resource development activities.
To me I enjoy my stay wherever I am, which
enriches me in sharing, writing, taking classes

and above all my own growth. These activities stimulates my mind. Mental stimulation is as important for brain as physical exercise for body.

I participated annual concert of the school. My suggestion of costume parade was welcomed at senior school, and allowed me to lead the parade. These are sweet and rich memories I cherish
in my life.

A blue-sky day at beach......

There is a breath taking buoyancy to a blue-sky day at the beach in fall. The umbrellas and beach
chairs are taken away; the sand castles, now one with the sand. The only sounds are the rhythmic whispering of waves and the calls of shore birds wheeling overhead. And if you are listening, you
will hear your own voice, reminding you that this is the day as much as a fresh start as the new year, a time to make new promises and plans, a time when everything seems possible. Even when we think we have lost the path, as poet E. E. Cummings wrote "it's always ourselves we find in the sea."
So if you love to be at beach never leave a chance.....

Soulful reality check

There are hidden interactions between your soul and your body that either keep you well or sick.
This is called energy anatomy and it correlates specific emotional, physical, and spiritual stress patterns with disease. The thinking is that when one of your chakra is blocked - whether due to physical injury or emotional repression - you are not going to feel well. If you let yourself get
bogged down with negativity, you are going to get sick.
 This is a life lesson I got from my mom , who always care more about her diseases of diabetes
and asthma which befriended her at 25th and 34th year along with my dad's pampering up to
the age of 52.  No steps or counselling ,or any medicinal herbs or relaxation techniques can
 feel her better except her doctor and a new medicine or a higher dose of medicine which she
already has. Still at the age of 79 she is managing her style.
 And thanks to my mom from whom I got my life lesson to lead my life in a positive path
that is the energy medicine, also related with nature.
 A way to look at illness is to think of it as a point of an arrow that identifies your main vulnerability- it is a place to start, but every thing else has to come into play, too. When you evaluate your health,
you have to evaluate every organ in the body, but you start with the one that is most inflamed.
To us we gave auto suggestion to strengthen, purify and energise the whole body and soul.

Menopause - the midlife transition....

Forget what you have heard. Menopause may be the happiest time of your life. In the real world,
the midlife transition doesn't have to spell the end of anything - except pregnancy related issues.
Menopause can be described as a time of rebirth of your deepest self. It can be painful, but you
have to believe that you are going to come out of it with something beautiful.
 In my own experience , when I was going through it, I finally quit putting my things last and
started to find time for encouraging our (me and my hubby) passions like travel, photography,
volunteering and visiting our children abroad - which led me to success. I got real friends abroad,
started my own blog on cookery and wellness and writing. I learned jewellery making. It was a real blessing. I participated in an exhibition with my hand made jewellery at San Antonio, Texas.
   When my hormones started changing , I knew I needed to be healthy and I lost 22 pounds in three
years. Now I am maintaining my health through yoga, exercises, meditation and off course diet.
Women  remake themselves in midlife. They become entrepreneurs, take up volunteering,
 spiritual and cultural activities. They begin to understand that the time to do things is now
and they tend to live more in present moment instead of in the future or the past.
 Believe it or not, menopause is a true blessing for me physically and mentally.

Menopause is no big can't disrupt you in any way, otherwise you allows it.So forget the negative stories, get ready for your next energetic, creative phase.

Build up Grit......

Working out does more than build beautiful muscles. It's a powerful tool for gaining
confidence, will power, and grit. Grit is firmness of mind / spirit/ unyielding courage in
in hardships / danger. Grit is that inner toughness that gets you through life's hiccups and
heartbreaks. It gives you strength to push through the impossible. So next time you tackle
that giant hill, take pride in the fact that you're becoming more resilient and nurturing your
your whole self- mind, body and spirit - with every strike. Being active outdoors increases
your sense of well-being and reduces stress.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Mind relaxation

Mind relaxation is meditation. It's a special kind of relaxing technique for attaining internal calm, enjoyment and happiness. It is mainly concentration of the mind by cutting oneself from the
environment completely. In a stressful world  of today mind relaxation plays an increasingly important role in regulating life of human beings. One can receive energy hidden in the atmosphere
and can experience and enjoy perfect peace and relaxation which helps increase the resistance of body.
     Sit straight in a comfortable position. Close your eyes, relax your body and moderate your
breathing. Keep yourself free from noise and distractions. Think that the oxygen you are inhaling is purifying your mind and cultivating noble thoughts in you. Think that the air you are exhaling ,
you are throwing out the impurities and bad tendencies from your mind. Relax and try to forget body and mind.
     Keep yourself in this position and you will feel the bliss - an atmosphere of peace, calm and happiness inside as well as outside. For regular practice one should sit for at least 20 to 30 minutes every morning.
Mind relaxation helps to calm the strained and irritable nervous system, relieves muscular fatigue and
allows the cells to function normally. It also calms the mind, relieves stress and strain and induces
good sleep.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Be a part of your community

Be part of a community and feel better about yourself and enjoy life more healthier and happier. Whether it is volunteering, befriending , being part of an charitable organization can help you and others physically and mentally.
Older people who volunteer a moderate amount of their time live more healthier and longer
than others who don't. Community involvement makes you both healthy and safe. Volunteering
just 100 hours per year - less than 2 hours a week - can help to boost self esteem, reduce risks of
heart disease and depression and help you live longer.

Simply being involved is far more important than what you are involved in. No matter how old
you are, you can still be very helpful and serviceable. Community involvement will widen your
friends circle and give you a sense of fulfilment. Anybody with a kind mind can do community

Remain physically active.....

Being physically active is the good prescription for a healthier ,longer and prosperous life.
Where ever you are, don't hesitate to get away from routine activities. Prepare a plan for
physical activity and get involved. Gardening, yard work, walking, swimming, cycling,
trekking, can improve both your physical and mental health, when done systematically
and regularly.
  According to your age and physical capacity , make modifications in your activities.
Make regular exercises which you love and enjoy, part of your life. Doing and enjoying
exercise is the only success key to continue the activity and getting benefited.