Thursday, December 15, 2016

Every Months are absolutely awesome....

Let us think of all the months in a year. Every month has it's own specialities. The year 2016 is in the last month of Divinity.
    January is      Jovial.
    February is    Fabulous.
    March is        Marvellous.
    April is          Awesome.
    May  is          Meaningful.
    June is           Joyous.
    July is            Jubilant.
    August is       Amazing.
    September is  Successful.
    October is      Optimistic.
    November is  Nurturing and
    December is   Divine.
Let us welcome a Prosperous 2017 with a smile in our face making all others who associate with us to smile at the world. Let us join our hands to assure Happiness and Peace in 2017.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Say bye to your Pot Belly....

When you start to gain weight, there are the usual parts in your body to store the excess fat like thighs, butts, arms, heart, lungs and stomach. That is why from the age of thirty five keep an eye on your tummy fat not to show up. Tummy fat is the abdominal fat which converts your beautiful flat belly into a pot belly. Abdominal fat is divided into Visceral fat and Subcutaneous fat. Even both the fats are unhealthy the visceral fat is the most dangerous in our body. Visceral fat is stored within the abdominal cavity around liver, pancreas and intestines and is the active fat that affects the functions of the hormones. Higher the visceral fat, more the risk of type 2 diabetes. Subcutaneous fat as the term refers it is the fat under the skin. The intra-abdominal fat around the vital organs is the visceral fat.
Exercise daily to say bye to your pot belly.
Along with breathing exercise, asana and a healthy diet you can work out your dream by boosting metabolism, strengthening core muscles thus trimming your belly fat.
Padahastasana(Standing Forward Bend), Pachimotasana (Seated Forward Bend), Noukasana(Boat Pose) and Bhujangasa(Cobra Pose) are good to trim the fat in the belly area.
The deep and slow inhale and exhale while doing the asana energises the cells in the body.
The asana brings flexibility to the body, upper back and middle back. Improves the function of liver, kidney, gall bladder, pancreas, intestine, uterus and the intestines. Strengthens the body muscles, legs  hands, neck, hips, shoulders, thighs, arms and face.
If in normal health you can do the asana and if on medication please consult your doctor before doing asana.




Padahastasana inhale pose

Padahastasana exhale pose