Tuesday, June 30, 2020

Yoga to energise irritable stomach

When we are stressed our tummy horns the alarm. We all are experiencing the same problem. Why is it? The brain and the gut is strongly connected. When stressed the brain produces the hormones which directly get into the digestive tract. The chemical imbalances creates the disorders and discomfort in our tummy.
These exercises can be done while sitting, standing or laying down .
Tap the tummy 
Tap the tummy with your fingers of both hands .
Tap mildly to stronger, then mildly before stopping. Do it for 1-2 minutes .
Circular motions on tummy 
With your fists give circular motions on your tummy. Do it for 1-2 minutes.
These exercises produce heat and wake up the tummy muscles. It helps relieve from the stress inside.
Tummy breathing 
Divide the tummy into lower, middle  and upper abdomen .
Start breathing from lower abdomen.
Hold the lower abdomen , inhale, fill in air, exhale tuck in the lower abdomen.
Likewise repeat on the middle and upper abdomen.
Then do the breathing for the whole abdomen. 
Repeat for 3-5 times. A great way to relieve the irritation in the tummy.
It will work. If not look into your food and find out the cause or consult with a doctor.

Relaxation yoga poses on belly

Yoga balances body and mind. It enhances overall health and wellness. It relaxes the practitioner and creates a sense of calmness. 
Child Pose on Hero seating 
Kneel on the ground and sit tall on your heels.
Hold on the corresponding ankles and bend down to relax like a child. Continue for 1-2 minutes.
Good for the tummy, thighs and back.
Calms the nervous system.
Crocodile Pose
Lay down on your belly, bring the hands under  your forehead on the ground and take a few normal breaths.
Upward facing Crocodile 
Lay down on your belly straight, bring your hands folded on the elbows on the sides with palms facing down. Press the palms, raise up and look forward. Breathe in come up breathe out go down. Repeat for a few times.
Strengthens the chest, shoulders, hands, neck and head.
Crocodile Movement 
Lie down on your belly. Stretch out the arms in front of you with palms facing down above your head. Press on your belly and palms, raise your upper body, turn towards your right, lift the right leg up bend on your knees and look at the leg. Hold for 3-5 seconds and repeat on the left side. Continue for 2-5 minutes on both the sides. 
Strengthens the legs, hands and upper body. Tightens the abdominal muscles.
Relaxation in Child pose on your belly 
Lie flat on your belly. Turn your head towards the left on the ground facing outward. Bend the left knee on the belly level. Bend the left elbow and place in front of your face. Relax completely in the pose for 3-10 minutes. Super relaxation pose.
More the relaxation more the calmness. 
Helps to be more innovative, creative and active.

Yoga to bring in calmness

Yoga is a mind body practice. Associate the mind in the yoga practice to calm down. Some of the de stressing yoga practices that helps to overcome anxiety and stay calm.
Sit tall on cross legged pose.
Place the hands on your thighs.
Hold chin mudra by joining the tips of the index fingers and the thumbs. Chin mudra helps to balance the fire and air elements in the body.
Breathe in breathe out.
Breathe in calmness breathe out the agitated feelings.
Continue breathing for 2-10 minutes. This conscious breathing is well enough to relax and bring calmness.
Reclined butterfly pose 
Lay down, bend the legs and bring the soles together. Bring your hands above the head and place it on the ground with palms facing up. Enjoy the relaxed state for a while in normal breaths.
Cradle pose 
Lay on your back. Bend your legs towards your chest, wrap around the knees and swing right to left enjoy like you are swinging inside a cradle. Feel the relaxed state.
Corpse Pose Relaxation 
Lay down on your back and relax. Visualise that you are calm, you are peaceful and you are relaxed.
These poses help to de stress and feel calm. It helps to feel relaxed, it helps to feel grounded and strong.

Yoga to power up Courage..

Fear is the universal enemy...to certain extent fear is good....it protects from failures.....but beyond that...we need the courage to face the changes, new experiences and challenges in our daily routine....
Courage has a posture....a lifted chest...
Breathe courage reaching up the sky, breathe out all the fear within slightly bending bringing your hands down.
Warrior Poses 
Warrior 1
Breathe in bring the legs apart and hands straight up above the crown in namaste posture.
Breathe out turn to the right with right leg in 90 degrees and foot pointing out , gaze up on your palms.
Repeat on the left side and back to the original position.
Warrior Pose 2
Breathe in bring the legs apart, hands on the sides up to the shoulder level, breathe out turn to the right with right leg in 90 degrees to the ground and foot pointing out. Gaze at the tip of the fingers.
Repeat on the left side and back to the original position.
Reverse Warrior Pose 
Breathe in bring the legs apart, hands up on the sides on shoulder level , turn to the right, breathe out raise your right hand up above your head gazing on the palm while bringing the left hand down along your left leg.
Repeat on the left side and then back to the original position.
Warrior poses help to battle the fear within and win the goals....it helps to get away from the inner conflict and helps you to become your own courage.
Yoga connects the brain with the body to clear the fear and builds courage.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Learn to love yourself with ‘ a me time ‘

Learn to love yourself means that you can take care of yourself. You won’t go for comparison. You will start loving your style, your beauty and your unique features.
Give a half an hour time every day to enjoy ‘ me time’. 
This helps to take care of your body and nurture your mind and soul. You can become the best of you. 
This doesn’t mean to forget your family or friends. 
To take care of them better go and have your time.
Butterfly flight is one of the best exercise to include in regular exercises.
Butterfly pose 
1.Sit cross legged. Lift out the legs to bring the soles together in front of you. Sit tall, legs flat on the ground  and hold the toes with your palms. Breathe in, raise your folded legs, breathe out and back to the ground.
Strengthens the legs and hands.
Repeat for 3 times.
2. Sit tall in the same posture as in 1. Inhale and bend down bringing the upper body parallel to the ground, exhale and raise up. Repeat for 3 times.
Strengthens the upper body, spine and legs.
3. Butterfly flight 
Do the exercise in normal breathing.
Sit tall in the butterfly pose and start your flight and go to your favourite spot like park, or to the store to by your perfume or back home from your workplace and cook the dinner for your family like wise it is your imagination to enjoy your own time.
Learn to love yourself to love others.

Practice Smiling to stay happy and healthy

Yoga is about health and happiness.
Smile is a great part in yoga. When yoga becomes part of your life then smile is an inevitable factor.
Benefits of Smile 
1. Enhances beauty of the person smiles.
2. It helps the people around you to smile and feel happy.
3. Lowers blood pressure.
4. Enhances production of endorphins.
5. Helps the situation to be friendly.
Smile is a facial expression of pleasure, favour, gratitude and happiness. Smile is powerful than a delicious sweet.
How to practice smiling 
1. Make it an attitude to have a smile on your face.
2. Smiling breathing exercises 
Sit tall and comfortable.
Inhale through your nose, slowly and deeply with a smile on your lips.
Exhale gently through your open mouth with a smile.
3. When you read a book, read with smiling face.
4.When you answer a phone call place a smile on your face.
5. Enjoy your food with a smiling face.
Smile from your heart that will energise you, artificial smile will not work in this practice.
The the famous quote 
   ‘When you smile at the world 🌍 
   The world 🌎 smiles back!’

Happiness & Yoga

Yoga creates sense of awareness, happiness, gratitude and compassion.
Be happy wherever you are and wherever you go.
The attitude is the key to happiness. No need to blame the circumstances or environment. Don’t let expectations grow over and let your happiness down.
Happy person will be in present state, be grateful and and serving mind.
I remember a rhyme I heard earlier...
The time to be happy is now, ( be in present)
The place to be happy is here,( be grateful)
The way to be happy is to make someone happy (ready to serve),
And build a heaven right here.
If you are happy you can be happy and spread happiness around.
Feel contented and feel happy and blessed.
Focus on health and wellness to live a happy life.
Practice yoga everyday to load your body and mind with positivity and happiness.
Embrace yourself , give a treat to your hands, neck and shoulders for a while, enjoy the self therapy and experience happiness.

Yoga and Creativity

Being creative means that you are smart to live a quality life. Creative people are more successful in their lives. The more we apply creativity in life the more creative we can be. 
Creative people can take steps to deal in contingency.
They can see things differently.
They can think better and practically.
They can act wisely.
Regular exercises enhance creativity.
Set goals to get engaged and busy. Start simple and go on practicing. 
Morning yoga practice with deep focus clears the stress within and helps fill with clarity and creativity.
Go for funny exercises like kids.
Monkey face, raccoon face like that.
Wide legged forward bend ( Prasarita Padottasana)
Helps blood flow to the brain.
Strengthens and stretches the upper body.
Spine becomes flexible.
Strengthens legs and hands.
Stand erect with feet wide apart.
Inhale raise your hands sideways on shoulder level.
Exhale and bend forward from the hips, place the palms on the ground in the centre and look down behind.
Inhale raise up, exhale bring the hands on the dorsals.
Take care to include 1 or 2 bending exercises daily in your yoga practice.
Say bye to my sedentary life style and be creative. 

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Signifiance of Prayer Pose

Yoga is all about oneness. Yoga is the union of body, mind and soul.
Prayer pose is the symbol of oneness.
I love myself, I love you and we are one.
It is the symbol of love, respect, appreciation, acceptance and gratitude 🙏 

Effect of physical exercises in Yoga @ Amritha, Aluva

Physical exercises results in increased flexibility of the body. It stretches and strengthens the core muscles. It balances and stabilises the body.
Four physical exercises to add in the daily exercises 
1. Five steps hand exercises 
1. Prayer pose 
2. Stretch the hands shoulder level sideways with palms facing up.
3. Raise the hands up straight with fingers pointing up.
4. Bring the hands on shoulder level sideways with palms facing down.
5. Back to prayer pose.
Strengthens the hands.
2. Side stretching 
Stand erect with feet apart. Place your right palm on your right hip, raise the left hand up and bend towards left as far as possible. Feel the stretch. Do it on the other side.
Stretches and strengthens the dorsals and hands.
3. Imaginary chair sit
Stretch both hands in front of you on shoulder level and sit on an imaginary chair. Feel the pressure on your bottom and thighs. Strengthens the body.
4. Leg exercises 
Stand erect with palms on the corresponding hips.
Lift your right leg forward, hold it for a few seconds, bring the leg back and lift it straight back, hold for almost the same time, bring the leg back and lift to the right. Hold it for few seconds and come back to the original position. Repeat on the left leg. Strengthens the legs. Balances the body.
All the exercises do for thrice or five times.
Visualise the benefits while doing the exercises for better results.
Regular practice is the key to success.
Creates self awareness , builds up self confidence and self esteem. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Get away stress by practicing Pranayama

Pranayama is the great way to de stress.
Every day is not happy day. Some days may be stressful.
Practice Pranayama.
Sit tall and comfortable.
Take a few normal breaths.
Inhale and exhale slowly, deeply and steadily.
Fill air in the tummy while inhaling and tuck in the tummy while exhaling.
Inhale fresh air and exhale stale air.
Inhale courage and exhale fear.
Inhale confidence and exhale doubts.
Inhale positivity and exhale negativity.
Inhale comfort and exhale discomfort.
Inhale ease and exhale disease.
Pranayama helps to stay positive.
Builds awareness, selflessness and self esteem.

Yoga for Eye care @ Amritha, Aluva

Eye care in Yoga @ Amritha, Aluva 
Refresh eyes.
Relax eyes.
Strengthen the muscles.
Reduces the risk of Glaucoma.
Gives good sleep.
Blinking, rotations, gazing, sideways travel, cupping warmth and massaging.
Blink for 10 -12 times.
Rotate your eyes clockwise, anticlockwise and clockwise three times each.
1. Gaze at your nose tip for 5-20 seconds. 
Then look far to relax or blink thrice.
2. Gazing on the nails of your index fingers, Stretch out both your hands together with index fingers pointing up 👆 in  front of you , bring the fingers close to your eyes  gazing on the nails. Blink or look at a far object to relax.
Sideways travel 
Let your eyeballs go to left, right, up and down. 
Repeat 3-5 times.
Rub your palms strongly, create heat and cup your eyes to warm your eyes. Repeat 3 times.
Before going to sleep, do the massage with the index fingers of the corresponding side, on eyelids with eyes closed in circular motions. Do it clockwise, anticlockwise and again clockwise. Continue for 1-2 minutes. Good for sound sleep.
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Suma Raj Pillai.
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