Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Knee strengthening exercises on chair

Knee exercises strengthen the surrounding muscles. The strong leg, thigh and hip muscles protects the knee muscles. Anyone suffering from regular knee pain, please consult with your doctor before starting the exercises.
Exercises help the muscles to stay flexible with balanced fluids in the knees.
1. Sit tall on the chair. Take a few normal breaths and relax.
2. Leg lifting 
Lift the legs alternately parallel to the ground. Hold for 5-10 seconds. Bring it down slowly. Repeat on the other leg.
Lift the legs alternately 45 degrees up. Hold for 5-10 seconds and repeat on the other leg.
Toes up and and heels down 
Heels up and toes down 
Do this for multiple times.
Knees outward and inward 
Forward bend 
Sit tall. Breathe in raise hands up and breathe out and bend down placing the palms in between the feet. Breathe in raise up, breathe out and back to the original position.
Pigeon pose 
Sit tall. Lift the right leg, place the foot on the left knee. Sit tall. Breathe in, breathe out bend forward. Hold the pose for a count of five. Breathe in raise up. Breathe out back to the original position. Repeat for 5-7 times.
Do the exercises slowly and gently. This is not a one night solution. Consistent practice brings the result.


Knee strengthening yoga exercises lying down on belly

Lie down straight on your belly. Bring the palms facing down near the shoulders. Take a few normal breaths and relax. 

Stretch your body with toes facing outward.

Bend your legs and bring the feet close to your buttocks.

Lift the stretched legs alternately.

Lift the legs alternately stretched straight back and swing to right and left. 

Do the exercises several times.

Relax in child pose on the belly.

The results are not going to turn out over night. Do it with patience and gain the results.

Knee strengthening yoga exercises in Supine posture

Are you suffering from knee pain? 

Daily exercises for knees help to keep your knees healthy. Regular practice with visualisation helps in reducing knee pain. 

Lie down straight on your back. Take a few normal breaths and relax.

Lifting the legs 

It is same as Ardha meru dandasana.

Lie down straight with hands on the dorsals with palms facing down. Slowly lift the right leg to 45 degrees, hold it for 5-10 seconds. Bring back slowly. Repeat on the left leg. When you breathe in while lifting, and exhaling while bringing down, it is the asana.  Do it for several times.

Before concluding have a few normal breaths and and relax. 

Monday, August 10, 2020

Knee strengthening exercises in lying posture

Knee strengthening exercises in side lying posture. This exercises are easy to do in bed. If you are conscious to exercise your knees in a routine way start this one when you wake up. 

Before doing it formally sit tall and have a few inhale exhale that helps you warm up.

Lie down on your side. You can use a pillow if needed. I won’t use pillow. Bend your hand under your head. Start the exercises.

1. Clam shell posture 

Bend both the knees one up the other. Raise one folded leg up with feet together. Bring the leg up as far as you can. Feel the stretch of the hip, thigh and knee muscles working. Repeat on the other side. Do it for several times.

2. Leg lifting 

Lie down on your side, bend the under leg. Stretch out the top leg. Gently and slowly raise it up in fully stretched position. Hold it for 5-15 seconds. Feel the stretch of the muscles. Repeat on the other side. Do it for several times.

Feel the workout in the knees and feel the massage in the knees. 

Knee strengthening exercises in sitting plank pose

Take a few normal breaths and relax. This breathing exercise is a great warm up in yoga. 
In plank pose press the palms behind and push down the knees gently. Feel the bottom of the knee touching the ground. Feel the stretch. Hold it for 5-10 seconds. Repeat for several times.
Lift alternate legs up, hold for 5-10 seconds and bring down slowly. Repeat on the other leg. Do it for several times.
Knee exercises are to be done slowly and gently. Avoid any jerk.
Sit tall in Plank pose. Plank pose  

Knee strengthening exercises on sitting posture

At any age knee pain can appear. That may be due to hard work, sedentary lifestyle, injury or arthritis. If it is taken care earlier it can be cured easily. Go for some yoga daily to strengthen the knees.

Easy pose practice 

Sit tall in cross legged pose. Take a few normal breaths as warm up. If not able to sit cross legged, feel free to bring one leg in front and the other one just behind and feel comfortable.


Bring the soles together in front of you. Sit tall. Hold the feet and sit straight. Hold the pose for 5-15 seconds.

Raise the legs up. Hold for 5-10 seconds. Bring it down. Repeat for several times.

Hero pose posture 

Sit in hero pose and take a few normal breaths.

Sit in hero pose raise the butt up and go forward with stretched hands. Come back and repeat for several times. 

Sit in hero pose. Bend down and relax for 5 seconds. Repeat for 3-5 times.

Feel the activation in the knees.

Daily practice for 15 minutes for the knees keep it with balanced fluids.

Regular practice is the key to success.

Knee strengthening exercises in standing posture

Knee pain is a very common problem. If not taken care it becomes sivere. Practice yoga and exercises daily to keep away the knee pain.
1. Stand erect with feet apart. Take a few normal breaths and.
2. Lifting the legs alternately. If you are not getting balance please feel free to hold a chair or support on the wall. Bend the knee, hold it close to the buttock with your hand for 5-10 seconds. Repeat on the other leg. 
3. Stand close to the wall supporting your upper body on the wall with legs away from the wall. Slide down in sitting posture and hold the pose for 5-15 seconds. Repeat for multiple times. 
Visualise that the knees are getting the masage to balance the fluids within.
Regular practice is the key to success.