Sunday, December 31, 2017

'We feeling' essential factor for Happiness


                                  I and you make ‘we’. But the question arises is------Is it the ‘hypothetical we’ or ‘phenomenal we’? The phenomenal ‘we’ is the integration part of you and me, then there is unity and oneness. If it is the other way the oneness is lost leading to disintegration. That is what happening in our social arena. As a women’s forum it is very demanding to open up our mindset to the problem of natural integration.

                                The national integration day is being celebrated on November 14th to commemorate the birthday of the first lady Prime Minister of India Ms Indira Gandhi. A National Integration Council is also being functioning since 2nd June 1962 to rectify the diversities in view of the problems of communalism, casteism and regionalism. Much water has flown through the Ganges since then. It is very sad to say that still we are in the hypothetical ‘we’ and not for consolidating the unity to progress. Take the example of disparagement for selecting women for the legislative assemblies and parliaments. Men are reigning in great majority in almost all spheres even though they are arguing that women must be given opportunities but the bill for representation at both the houses of the parliament remains at large.

                                  National integration is not a literary verbosity; it is a functional climax with the proper mindset for unity, harmony and development. We have been talking about decade after decades but the political socio cultural systems are becoming more and more rigid leading to decaying of values and hence unrest of the nation.

                                   People who are patriotic can only bring integration in the nation. The divisive forces consider personal interest over national interest. The rapacity towards wealth, power and status is driving people to sabotage the national character of the state. Greed and corruption, under valuing humanity over religion, allegiance to castes to form vote banks, criminalisation of politics, corruption in education, disobeyance of constitutional rights, discrimination against women, vested interests of religions, fraudulence of bank loans, forced abortion of girl child etc. create a feeling of antipathy to the present state of affairs which in turn leads a negative outlook towards the bureaucracy and derange the integrity of our nation. Gradual frustration among the public may cause havoc.

                                    A good constitutional structure with strict adherence to civic right and civic sense is essential which keep the interest of the nation above everything thereby bringing national integration. To achieve it empowerment of the masses especially women is a must. Women empowerment and social development are interrelated. Mother is the first teacher of the child. Values and virtues are to be inculcated in the early stages of the child development through the educated mother. So empowering and educating the womanhood is a pre requisite to the task and hence the role of AIWC is beyond doubt, very essential to get involved for achieving national integration.


Know you are the Infinite

                  Freedom is a state of being free. It means independence, liberty of action and power of self determination. In other words it is the release or recovery of slavery or imprisonment from one’s own thought, deed and emotion.

                  Freedom is synonymous with responsibility. In life we have to balance personal freedom with personal responsibility. Both are related and cannot have the one without the other. The quest of freedom is fulfilling our own purpose of life. Freedom by virtue is to help to bring justice where it does not currently exist and alleviating sufferings caused by the various forms of limitations. When we stop restricting ourselves and help the world to come out of the restrictions we are enjoying real freedom.

                 Freedom help us to utilise the opportunities in front of us. Freedom also allows an individual to take the responsibility as a person and as a citizen for a worldly order and peace. If you are not free or not feeling that you are free, the result is that you are suffering from fear. Fear can very well establish in a possessive and self-centred person. Fear within you can easily put you in the prison of greed, jealous, anger and ego. To enjoy freedom is to get rid of the fear within you and turn to be creative, positive and productive person. Know that you are the infinite, then why should you fear?


                  If we ask an individual, are you happy and free in your life?

The answer may be, Yes I am. Why is it so? It may be due to the fabulous thinking that he and his wife are in executive positions with high salary, their children are studying in the most prestigious school in the city, owns a waterfront dream house in a posh locality, both of them own expensive cars etc. And the final comment may be that, I am very happy and really blessed. Just think for a moment. He/she feels that he/she is free because of the material riches. Let’s think about his/her interior riches. Is he/she aware about it? Are we aware about it? Nothing is in our own control. A minute, itself is enough to change the materialistic world upside down. Then the rich, happy and free person will experience the pain of loss, the fallacy of possession and suffers slavery. Here comes the importance of freedom.

                 Real freedom is nothing else but detachment from material things, to others, to pride, to the money, to the past and the ego. Freedom is the knowledge, to get away from the need for possession, my wife/husband, my children, my house, my car, my job, my friends, my community likewise. When we think of what we have, we will never have enough. But when we think what we need, we will always have the feel of fulfilment. The only way to enjoy freedom and happiness is to practice detachment.

                   My early fifties, a period of three years, was a university for me to understand about me and the world around me. The lessons on every aspect about dear ones, relatives and friends opened my eyes. That helps me to become a different and honestly a better person.

                     I was and am a normally optimistic person. I have understood the fact that some relationships, circumstances and incidents are there, where everybody are not willing to accept, appreciate, understand or even love back. I started practicing law of detachment which helped me to have healthy thoughts, feelings, actions and relationships. I realised that my goal is to love myself to fulfil my responsibility to serve the universe, enjoying freedom. Now I have set emotional boundaries, to get peace, happiness and to enjoy freedom.

                      Being a human, even now there are people and situations which tend to feel negative attitude which causes stress. I can easily overcome the negativeness of these situations and now they are less frequent and less intense. Freedom helps me to live my life according to my choices. Freedom along with detachment is the genuine path of life which is absolutely amazing.

                        Those who are completely free can love all unreservedly and no longer enslaved to the opinions of others. Freedom enables one, the pure will to work without expecting any rewards and enjoy life, living in the moment. They are wise and empathetic and are free as a bird in flight.

                         Freedom in a true sense is about inner freedom to know self and others as pure souls and become aware, we all are the beautiful children/ souls of the supreme soul. Swami Vivekananda has taught as, “We are ever free if we would only believe it, only have faith enough. You are the soul, free and eternal, ever free, ever blessed. Have faith enough and you will be free in a minute,”







Saturday, December 30, 2017

Beauty is a State of Mind


At dawn on 1st June 2015, I looked out of our apartment with my grandson to experience the nature that was before us, the snowy mountains of Tredbo, Melbourne, Australia. The hills and valleys, peaks and lows, the plains and slopes, the trees and shrubs, the buildings and passages, the roads and paths were all blanched and covered by snowfall variegating a thrilling experience of flamboyant beauty which was really mesmerising. The Mother Nature was exhilarating us to enjoy her pristine beauty on the first day of winter itself.

                                                    It’s an evening today on 25th of June 2015 in San Antonio at Texas, USA; I am before HEB, a super store with my three year old grandson. I asked for the expansion of HEB for which I got an instant reply “Here everything beautiful”. It sparkled in me the beauty of innocence which is full of love, care and compassion. These two incidents fascinated me to scribble this article on beauty.

                                                      Is it beauty the power of appearance, may be, that is why beauty contests are being carried out. On a second thought, it can be realised as the lower part of the continuum of beauty. Real beauty is not in make up or make over, it is something good inside a person. According to Ninon do l’ Enclos “That what is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful.” So goodness is the ‘Pinnacle of Beauty.’

                                                        On seeing a flower, a scene or a piece of art, we say “it’s beautiful.” So beauty is seen as in our perception. But there are so many things which cannot be seen but felt and so we say that “the nature of beauty is intrinsic as the quality and its importance is that it crowns one with love and compassion. Something happens inside that exalts the soul in what the real beauty is.

                                                         How is beauty shown or expressed? It can be shown in behaviour and action which leads to the attitude of a person. Beauty is showing firm values without letting down integrity shrivel under any situations. Beauty is the light that whittles away darkness from the universe.

                                                          Beauty can be seen in a bipolar dimension; being external and eternal. External beauty is perishable which is transitory to the sense organs. A man in good vices sees his wife as angel and in bad vices sees her as devil. His definition of beauty is in the mode of infatuation of his mind. But real beauty is eternal which is the perfect glow with an inner radiance and confidence as shown by great legends.

                                                           Beauty is the refined state of mind and soul. Stillness and loveliness are the characteristics of beauty. The basic core of everything in the universe both animate and inanimate is kindling for the reciprocity of love and compassion – that is the real essence of beauty.








Laughter Therapy for Healthy and Happy Living

Laughter therapy was first started by an Indian, Dr Madan Kataria

in 1995 at Mumbai with five participants in a local public park.

 Laughter therapy is an alternative approach to health and happiness. It is also a mind body medicine.

  We are all born with a gift of laughter. Laughter is a natural medicine which lifts our spirit and makes us feel happy. It is

also a contagious emotion. Here comes the therapeutic value

of laugh.

                  Laughter provides full scale workout for muscles and

unleashes a rush of stress busting endorphins. Body can’t distinguish

real and fake laughter. Laughter makes one giggle and create a

positive impact. So those who are not having sense of humour

can also be benefitted from laughter.

Aim of Laughter Therapy

To promote overall health and happiness

To help relieve physical and emotional stress

To cope with and survive stressful life

To help build positive thoughts

To help strengthen social bonds and relationships.

Who can do Laughter Therapy?

   All age groups can participate in laughter therapy. Different ways are

practised in the sessions. Beneficial to all since it requires no skill or athletic

ability for practice. It is easy to incorporate in daily life. Laughter therapy

works with all, whether you are young or old, rich or poor, male or female,

educated or illiterate.

How to Practice

An open ground or hall is required

A laugh captain should be there to lead

Separate groups for kids

Wear comfortable clothes

Minimum 20 to 30 minutes session

Allow natural laughter to flow

Important Steps in Laughter Therapy

Clapping in rhythm

Breathing and Stretching

Child like Play

Laughter exercises

Benefits of Laughter Therapy

Good physical and aerobic exercise

Release of endorphins results in whole body relax

Tones muscles and improves respiration

Boosts immune system

Boosts respiratory system

Eases digestion

Improves mental functions

Improves overall attitude

Produce a general sense of wellbeing

Helps reduces wrinkles

Restores playfulness in life

Makes one more attractive

Improves communication and relationships

Skills required for a laughter volunteer

Communication skills

Outgoing attitude

Self esteem and self confident

Quite happy to lead the group into laughter

World Laughter Day

First Sunday of May every year is being celebrated.

Dr Madan Kataria is the founder of worldwide laughter therapy movement.

The concept of laughter therapy rapidly spread worldwide.

More than 15000 laughter clubs prevails in different countries.

Each club is run by a captain/ volunteer.

    The combined gentle breathing, stretching and stimulated unconditional

laughter in group becomes genuine which results in enhancing quality of life.

Laughter is a positive and more powerful emotion that has all ingredients

required for individual to change themselves and to change the world in a

peaceful and positive way. World laughter day is a positive manifestation for

world peace and is intended to build up a global consciousness of brotherhood

and friendship through laughter.


  Choosing to laugh as and when you want is not a sign of silliness, it’s a sign of

maturity. Laughter brings people together and helps to feel more alive,

confident and empowered. This reminds the famous quote of Charlie Chaplin,

“ A day without laughter is a waste day.”

         Usually we laugh at other’s expense.

         Let us start to laugh at our own account.



Music for Health and Happiness


Music is intrinsic to all cultures. Music is an activity that involves using the

whole brain. Music lovers can learn language through music, since language

is not a barrier. Music helps in learning language, improving memory and

concentration and also helps in physical coordination and overall development.

Importance of Music

Music improves visual and verbal skills.

Music makes one happier.

Music works in all age groups.

Music boosts immunity.

Music produces revulsive effects.

Music is an activity that builds a bond in relations.

Benefits of Music

Have positive effects on cognition.

Enhances emotional intelligence.

Increases reading and literacy skills.

Enables mindfulness and logical reasoning.

Improves mathematical ability.

Decreases stress levels.

Relieves from physical and mental pains.

Acts like a health tonic.

Helps to be optimist.

Calms, relaxes and helps to sleep well.

Makes a person lively and energetic.

How Music works

Find out the type of music which is most beneficial?

Depending on the age group and category choose the type of music.

Generally calm, melodious and slow music works well.

Music decreases the amount of cortisol, a stress related hormone produced

by the body in response to stress.

Music promotes relaxation of tense muscles and feels flexible.

Music activates both hemispheres of the brain.

Music releases endorphins in the brain that increases vascular health.

Music helps the release of dopamine and improves the mood.

In infants and toddlers

Music helps to calm down, learn rhymes, and dance according to rhymes, while rocking with a sweet music allows the baby to fall asleep.

In children

Children who undergo musical training has better effect than just listening to

music. Children with the same level of IQ also undertake musical classes, develop a better memory and perform well in examinations.

In Students

Music has the power to enhance higher brain function. Listening to music and playing an instrument helps learn better. Music activates the right brain where as the verbal retention of information in the song activates the left brain.

In Adults

Music improves body movements and coordination by reducing muscle tension. Soft music at work place energizes and helps to work productively.

Music improves physical performance and it motivates, makes it easier to start moving, walking, dancing and exercising to feel like a recreation.

In case of illness

Music may give the patient a sense of control, because music creates a positive and profound emotional experience which leads to secretion of immune boosting hormones. Reduces the intensity, frequency and duration of headache. Relieves and reduces both the sensation and distress of both chronic and post operative pain. Slow music helps, slowing breathing and heart rate to regulate blood pressure and strengthens the heart.

In case of child birth

 Music helps to decrease post natal anxiety and pain, increases the satisfaction with child birth and reduces the likelihood of postpartum depression.

In Elders

Music facilitates the recall of information. Music is great keys, for recalling memories. Playing songs mentally also helps them, changing moods, lowering stress levels, raising state of consciousness, accessing different states of mind, developing brain and is useful in meditation.

                                       Music itself is healing. Music is an explosive expression of humanity. Everyone loves music. When music hits, you feel no pain. Life is full of music and there is no better way but to live it.







Friday, December 29, 2017

Let it Go Meditation

                                              Everyday will not be the same. Anything can be happened at anytime. May be from an unexpected source or from our dear and near. We need to 'let it go', otherwise it will spoil not only the day but a relation, friendship or health.
                                               Sit in a quiet place in a comfortable position. Breathe normally for a minute and feel relaxed, Close your eyes and think of your feelings. Sort the feelings which have to be erased. Review and analyse the situations and the related feelings. Be bold and firm to get rid from them. Learn the good lessons from the day's experience and make it useful for positive guidance. Meditate on the skills of how to convert the ill feelings to positive thoughts and totally erase the ill thoughts. Now experience the relaxed state. Enjoy the calmness and peace within. Bring the other person in your mental picture, who you believe is the reason for the bad thoughts, send positive vibrations to the eyebrow centre of the person. Feel thankful to the person/persons for the opportunity to experience and learn the lesson. Thankfully conclude meditation with the prayer for health, happiness and harmony in the universe. Continue this meditation for three consecutive days at the same place and at the same time. Enjoy the peace and harmony.

Seven centre Meditation

The seven life centres are situated from the crown to the root centre. They are related to health, happiness and harmony. The centres need to be cleansed frequently.
Sit in a comfortable position, relaxed, holding chin mudra. Close your eyes and cleanse the surroundings by autosuggestion with positive energy. Start meditating from the crown centre. Concentrate on crown centre, visualize the pure rays are entering into the crown centre and cleansing by throwing away the impurities that creates block on it. Visualize the crown centre is cleansed and balanced. Continue meditation for two minutes. Likewise continue meditations concentrating on eye brow, throat, heart, solar plexus, sacral and root centres. Visualize the centres are cleansed. Travel from root to crown centre, concentrate for 10 seconds on each centres and feel relaxed. Conclude meditation being thankful to the Cosmos for the opportunity.