Thursday, December 15, 2016

Every Months are absolutely awesome....

Let us think of all the months in a year. Every month has it's own specialities. The year 2016 is in the last month of Divinity.
    January is      Jovial.
    February is    Fabulous.
    March is        Marvellous.
    April is          Awesome.
    May  is          Meaningful.
    June is           Joyous.
    July is            Jubilant.
    August is       Amazing.
    September is  Successful.
    October is      Optimistic.
    November is  Nurturing and
    December is   Divine.
Let us welcome a Prosperous 2017 with a smile in our face making all others who associate with us to smile at the world. Let us join our hands to assure Happiness and Peace in 2017.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Say bye to your Pot Belly....

When you start to gain weight, there are the usual parts in your body to store the excess fat like thighs, butts, arms, heart, lungs and stomach. That is why from the age of thirty five keep an eye on your tummy fat not to show up. Tummy fat is the abdominal fat which converts your beautiful flat belly into a pot belly. Abdominal fat is divided into Visceral fat and Subcutaneous fat. Even both the fats are unhealthy the visceral fat is the most dangerous in our body. Visceral fat is stored within the abdominal cavity around liver, pancreas and intestines and is the active fat that affects the functions of the hormones. Higher the visceral fat, more the risk of type 2 diabetes. Subcutaneous fat as the term refers it is the fat under the skin. The intra-abdominal fat around the vital organs is the visceral fat.
Exercise daily to say bye to your pot belly.
Along with breathing exercise, asana and a healthy diet you can work out your dream by boosting metabolism, strengthening core muscles thus trimming your belly fat.
Padahastasana(Standing Forward Bend), Pachimotasana (Seated Forward Bend), Noukasana(Boat Pose) and Bhujangasa(Cobra Pose) are good to trim the fat in the belly area.
The deep and slow inhale and exhale while doing the asana energises the cells in the body.
The asana brings flexibility to the body, upper back and middle back. Improves the function of liver, kidney, gall bladder, pancreas, intestine, uterus and the intestines. Strengthens the body muscles, legs  hands, neck, hips, shoulders, thighs, arms and face.
If in normal health you can do the asana and if on medication please consult your doctor before doing asana.




Padahastasana inhale pose

Padahastasana exhale pose

Monday, November 14, 2016

Benefits of Tadasana(Mountain Pose)

Tadasana is a warm-up pose that improves circulation of blood and stretches the whole body enabling the body fit for other asana in yoga. So it is the basis of all asanas. Start the day with Tadasana as it helps physically to feel stretched and refreshed and mentally energised and motivated.
 Stand straight with your feet flat about half feet apart and hands on the dorsal. Inhale slowly and deeply stretch you body raising on your toes and lifting your hands through the sides up above your head covering the ears and intertwine your palms. Hold the breath for 20 seconds. While exhaling slowly come to the original position with your feet flat on the floor and your hands on the dorsal. Relax for 10 seconds before you go for the next. Feel the stretch over the whole body. Do the asana consciously stretching the legs, hands, trunk, back and the spine. This simple asana alone can do wonders if you do it wholeheartedly. Yoga is commitment to self. Repeat for 21 times.

Benefits of Tadasana
Strengthens the whole body.
Improves posture.
Trims and firms abdomen.
Strengthens ankles, knees, thighs and legs.
Makes feet, hip, hands and shoulders more flexible.
Improves respiration.
Promotes blood circulation.
Eliminates and relieves sciatica.
Enhance digestion.
Improves mindfulness.
Activates the internal organs.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Impact of food based on Body type.....

Food activate our senses and body systems to receive the energy from the nature. The food we eat has great impact in our mind and body. Food is very important for an individual to live a healthy and happy life. Food has different impact in different persons.  Based on  Vata/pitta/kapha nature, the 'Tridosha' principle of Ayurveda, decides the impact of food in one. Even though specific diet is recommended by Ayurvedic experts based on the body type,  it is the responsibility of the person to  finalise the diet  pattern by trial and error method, what to eat and what to avoid. Each person is born with a unique type of body which is composed of the five elements viz., air, water, fire, ether and earth. The diet can upset the body nature and imbalance the body systems by decreasing or increasing the doshas (defects) in our body. The dosha upset of a food is determined by its taste like sour, sweet, bitter, pungent, salty or astringent and other qualities like heavy, fatty, oily, cold, hot or dry.
Vata has the elements of air and ether. Vata controls the movement of fluid in the body. It controls the flow of blood to and from the heart, function of the lungs and passage of food to the digestive system. To balance vata, the person should drink lot of warm fluids and eat more warm foods rice, wheat and cooked vegetables. The consumption of raw food must be a small quantity by vata type.
Pitta has the elements water and fire and it regulates appetite by controlling metabolism and digestion. Pitta diet is included with lots of raw fruits and vegetables, starchy food and cold fluids. Vegetarian diet is recommended for pitta type. They should avoid spicy foods.
Kapha has the elements water and earth and provides good strength by controlling the structures of the body. They are easily susceptible to colds, flu, arthritis and joint pains. Kapha type people should have plenty of raw fruits and vegetables in their diet along with hot drinks like herbal tea and should avoid oily food like butter, milk, ice cream, sweet and fried foods.
In general the food rules are to go for warm, quality, optimum quantity, in the optimum time and when feels hungry in a calm place enjoying the taste of the food.
Cooking is my passion, eating with dear and near ones is my pastime and being a free lance blogger on recipes food tasting is my weakness. So my principle is, if you are along with a group of friends or relatives don't go with a hard rule with a do not list of food in your diet if you like to have it . Know your body type and mindfully eat the food. Conscious eating will helps one to stay healthy and happy.

Yoga balances the three defects of the Body (Tridosha principle)....

Yoga is a science that has been practiced for thousands of years and it's aim is to unite body, mind and soul. In yogic tradition flexible spine is the key to self and vitality. Just like a tree which bends down with the wind without breaking, 'life force' can move easily through a supple spine. Yoga helps one to sharpen the bodily awareness and concentrate in a meditative way.
Yoga is to balance the three defects (doshas) in our body. Those are Pitta dosha, Vata dosha and Kapha dosha which are known as 'Tridosha' principle in Ayurveda. Not only the human beings everything in the universe are categorised under according to the three doshas. The functional part of the body is governed by air, water and space/ether. They govern the psycho-biological and physio-pathological changes in our body. Vata-pitta-kapha are present in each and every cell in our body.
Pitta is the combination of water and fire elements.
Vata is the combination of air and space elements.
Kapha is the combination of water and earth elements.
Vata regulates movement, pitta controls metabolic processes and kapha functions through the fluids in our body. These three doshas are distinctly present in every living organisms and express differently in each according to the predominance of the elements.
Generally we are grouped in the three doshas based on the imbalance of the elements in our body and result in the corresponding doshas. The smooth functioning of the body is hampered due to the imbalances in the three doshas and results in the form of dis-ease. Negative emotions such as jealousy, anger, fear, insecurity, sadness, over confidence, stress and greed are created the imbalances of water, air, ether, fire and earth elements in our body. 
Breathing , asana, meditation and relaxation in 'Yoga' helps to improve muscle tone, flexibility, alignment, balance and concentration. Yoga helps to balance the glandular system, strengthens the nervous system and tap in the energy of mind, control the emotions and to be in your own self. Regular practice of yoga results in the balancing the five elements in our body for a better functioning of bodily systems, increased radiance, emotional balance, enhanced intuition and elimination of negative thoughts which are the essentials to keep away the ailments in connection with the three defects. Individual care is needed to avoid the foods which create discomfort related to our body type.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Put a check in your emotions to heal your mind

Everyone experiences emotional distress. It varies from individual to individual. If the distress stays long the individual will get out of control physically and mentally. If we don't know how to deal with this distress that will leads to anxiety and psychic disorders. The emotional distress we face are such as physical ailments, boredom, negative thoughts, jealousy, sadness, competitive mentality, one up mentality, addictions, anger and agitated behaviour. To open up with a true friend or a talking expert or a counsellor will help to stay from these unwanted feelings and emotions and helps you with simple steps of healing your mind.
To keep your emotions under your control start to love yourself which helps you to be honest.
Be yourself to take care of your needs and wants such as food, clothes, trips, your beliefs, values etc.
Love others and the universe to be part of the higher self.
Practice openness and prove your personality can enhance your mental and physical wellbeing.
Be creative to enjoy fun and deal with the situations you are.
Let us see how can it work to control our emotions. Fun activities loosen up our energy and bring optimism. Self care and self help are the only ways to reduce emotional distress. Self care helps to understand self, set up goals, act on them, learn from experience and serve others which in turn helps one develop and heal. Be a learner through out the life to become more humble and down to earth. Once you feel that you have completed your education to acquire life skills will make you emotionally distressed. The main factor is the individual needs to take action to control emotions and get healed. Do introspection to know you better, start meditation, join a laughter club and have a good sleep daily along with your positive approach in life.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Diet and Yoga

Food is very important in yoga practice. All are having a natural instinct to have healthy diet to stay healthy. We all know what is bad and what is good food for us. But we forget the goods when we are with friends and family before food. Yoga helps us to stimulate the need of food. Food provides energy to the body and mind helping to enhance the immunity of our body. Fresh foods gives lightness in our body. No strict rules are assigned in yoga. While having food let our consciousness awake to eat what we need. The main factor is to eat fresh foods in moderation. Vegetarianism is advised because it can give inner calmness and harmony between body and mind.
Eat food when you are hungry. Take care not to fill the stomach in full. Leave a portion free in the tummy to have liquid foods. Eat food in time. Start your day with two glasses of pure water in empty stomach. Have a healthy breakfast to break the fast overnight. Have a moderate lunch and a light dinner. Do not forget to drink at least 12 glass water a day. Every time when you eat, thank for the food and enjoy the food. So eat to live don't live to eat.
Rather than food the other essentials such as needs, wants, intuitions and instincts for a healthy life are required for being well physically, mentally and emotionally.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Benefits of Yoga in Daily Life

Yoga helps to unite body, mind and soul. A healthy body can only house a calm and serene mind. A healthy body and a calm mind can only follow an enlightened soul. Yoga teaches one to live an easy life rather than a perfect life. Everyday is not the same, likewise we have ups and downs in our lives. Yoga convinces us failure is not a shame while we are nearing to success. Being a gentle and slow going art 'Yoga' makes one patient and the mind to practice more to reach the destination. Regular practice helps one, not to give up and achieve the thing seemed to be harder. Yoga provides the balance in life through discipline. Discipline in time, finance, diet, talk, activities and in sleep help to live a balanced life and thus becoming a better person. Yoga helps to be more creative in making the thoughts into action and destroying the destructive thoughts which can hinder one's growth. Yoga helps to get off the rigid mentality allowing one to become more flexible in life to see things in a wider angle in a positive approach thus prioritising between needs and wants in life. The deep breathing in yoga is the key factor in Yoga to cleanse and energise each and every cells in our body.
The conscious inhale and exhale help to control our thoughts and change our mind to a calm state. Besides physical experience and changes yoga gives a sense of purpose in life with an open mind to respect the mankind and to serve the universe.

Common problems in marriage

Recognition and acceptance are the most important factors raised in a marriage seminar where I attended. Thus the empathy part in married life is becoming less and less. Now a days communication between couples are through SMS and text messages. So healthy communication is not going through couples who are busy in official life. Children are becoming the scapegoats in between the busiest time of their parents. Spouses are having all amenities for their own and there is no point on depending each other. They are having their own fun such as shopping, dine out, birthday parties, girl's or boy's day out likewise. 'Let it go' mentality is good. Instead of 'let it go', couples are finding their own way 'to let go' instead of having fun together. The appreciation part of each other in married life is totally lacking. Since the couples are having their own space to relax in life, the battle of chores at home remain unaddressed suffering by the person more responsible with the kids and home. It is wise to have a dependency between each other to have a wanted feeling among the couples. The 'I' and 'You' model relationship is the key factor in the disturbing the harmony in married life.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Love your spouse and family from the bottom of your heart...

Marriage is a bond to live the rest of the life happily with an aim  to fulfil the purpose of life. Love is the prime factor in a happy married life. Love your spouse doesn't mean it is only a twosome. It is more than that. You are now part of a new family. You have to respect the persons in your new family. If not you are going to lose the trust and faith of your spouse. In many cases it is very clear there are no nice thoughts of in laws. Slowly these behaviour will weakens your marriage. Try to honour and respect your spouse's family in their style. Because you are from a different family. Once you are respecting each other with openness really works in the harmony of your life. All are humane and try to understand it and go in a mutual understanding without finding fault in the other family which is your fault not the other's fault. Understanding is the more important thing not to ill treat your in laws. Your spouse is the loving and beautiful child of your in laws. Let your spouse be in a good, healthy and loving relationship with their family.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Live simple and humble for a peaceful married life...

There will be ups and downs in all married life. Some important things to take into consideration are to differentiate between 'needs' and 'wants'. Needs are highly essential in life. But 'wants' can be delayed based on financial capacity. In furnishing new home, car, clothes, fancies etc. are some areas where couples go for loans. Loans which is within your repayable limit is advisable. Do not get tempted with your spouse's words to get into debt. Make choices to live with the needs help you live without debt to be happy and makes a peaceful life. The kids will also follow the simplicity of their parents.
Spouses should not make a point to complain. It will become a habit and attitude to complain all the time which spoils the happiness. Positive attitude towards life is highly essential to change your mind to change your spouse.
Plan the annual budget, trips, kid's education, other activities together to feel oneness and to act as a team to drive your life. Be more generous with time and money. Find your own time and family time in a regular basis to appreciate and support your spouse and kids.
Simplicity is the path to know and love yourself , your spouse and your family.

Go beyond the Twosome!

To live in healthy relation between spouses you need to understand and love your in laws and close relatives. Marriage is between two people but between two families also. Recently young couples are mostly attached in between. They don't have time to think about others. It is OK. After your early time of marriage you back to normal life and at least now is the time to look on your dear ones in both the families.
There are young couples thinking of their close ones and being in touch with them. The important thing is it should be same to both sides. If one is weak in maintaining the relations the other should cover up the lack. In long run the spouse can highly appreciate the acts of the other. Do not behave in a biased way. Treat both families in equal love and respect.
Do not hesitate to keep families and friends in a loop. Marriage is between families and is a signature in the society. Do not be so possessive with your spouse. It is better to love your spouse and family together. The freedom and love in between the family will be a true blessing on the new couples.
We can see all the happiest couples are those who have interest and support "beyond the twosome".

Mutual trust and mutual understanding in marriage...

In married life love and respect each other to lead a model and happy life. No discrimination is needed between spouses. This in later will affect the life of your children. Wisdom and strength are very important to make your relationship healthy and happy. You need to deal with your imperfections to show your children that you are in good relation as their mom and dad. Give your spouse what expect from him or her. Always consider your words and actions to your spouse. A humble way of behaviour to your spouse will clear out any little dislikes between you both. If you can be easy with your spouse you will find life more easier. The truth is that people or situations are powerless. They are powerful with your reactions. Keep away from arguments, divert attention from anger, go compromising, be kind and compassionate to sustain the trust in between the couples.

Communication is the best key in married life

Where there is excellent communication between couples they are happy. When it grows into a family with kids, communication is very important among the family members to lead a happy life.
Our success key in our marriage life, even after forty years are the lovely, innocent and real communication. Around the dinner table we start, because we both were employed, as new couples to loving parents and now as aged couples. What ever happened in the day is just discussed before bed. So we have common friends, we know where ever we went, what we did, even what we talked like wise every thing is shared between us. By the grace of the 'Almighty' we are living happily for the last forty years. Clear communication avoids doubts, fear and jealousy. Clear communication is the real magical touch to make marriages happy. Think that you are sharing with the most important person in the rest part of your life. Communication helps to let go things, to avoid criticism, to take it easy, not to take it personal and over and above have fun of the day, love, positive approach and able to embrace and enjoy life.

Love unconditionally for a happy married life

Love unconditionally means, love your spouse as the way 'God' loves you. How many can love your spouse like this. Couples are not at all different, they are also are selfish like anyone. We all will some times do mistakes by error or vice verse. We all some times makes mistakes which we are answerable to our spouse. When we try to keep it as a secret the that will be a sin. None of us are over and above sins. That is only humane. When we share our mistakes then it is very clear that we loves each other unconditionally. We have to humble ourselves and ask for forgiveness frequently in married life. That is so common. Nothing is shame in that provided we feel we are one. Unconditional love leads to love each other without any demands. Loving without any demands is very important between spouses. Demands are simple rules to hard rules. Rules are authority and rigid where love is pure and flexible. Of course rules can easily upset your relation. Few common rules like, dropping and picking kids from schools, grocery days, remitting bills on water and electricity like wise are essential at a home. Go for simple rules if necessary and forget about the rules on your time, your money, your family, your job, your style etc. not to complicate married life. The fewer the rules the better the relationship. True love is not at all demanding. The spouses who love unconditionally can do the house chores when they see it and if it need to be done.
I should say by putting 'God' who loves us unconditionally, in between the couples, works well and enables the spouses to experience the true love without any expectations and ego. 

Learn to live with your differences in married life

Recognize your differences and always set your mind to defer each of the differences.
Don't wait for your spouse to get corrected and come on your way. That is the most foolish thought if you think so. But it is wise if you want to maintain your marriage in a happy way, you have to learn to live with your difference. Think how different are you from your spouse and look into the steps how you can get adjusted with that.
In my early married life we both were working and my husband has night shifts. During his night shifts when I am back from office I was so sad to see the sheets in the  bed room are scattered and unfolded. He is not having a habit of folding it back like it was before after his sleep. I hate to see things are disorganized. But he used to say, what's the matter I can do it now, but again it is like that. When I started to demand, he turned his attitude, saying, it is our home why should you get upset, nobody else is here to rank us in home keeping. I thought I need peace at home, this guy is not going to change, so let me do what ever things is organizing myself without complaining. Slowly I began to feel quite happy at home not looking into the things which are not in my control.
When we think the common things we have together and work on it, the happiness factor will reaches the peak and the home can be a heaven. And also respect the special skills of our spouse have, may be in cleaning, taking care of kids, helping in kitchen, doing laundry like that, wilfully give up our preferences for one another. In another way differences are so good to be individualistic and live a life of different perspective which can add depth into marriage. So learn to live with your differences, respect your spouse's differences and live in your comfort zone without disturbing your spouse.

Spouses to become best friends in life to lead a successful maried life...

Love your spouse as your best friend. Real friends will be open to each other, share jokes, have lots of likes and more over with a helping hand always. When you get together you have to understand each other. Make a point to have an open discussion just like to your intimate friend. Deep friendship is a key to true intimacy between husband and wife. Keep in mind sex is not the only key to a successful married life. You have to become friends first and keep on, because friends spend time together doing things they both like and enjoy. At the end of the day make it a point looking at each other to say 'you are my best friend in my life'.

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Food is important in a happy married life...

Young couples are very confident to be on their own. Previously the dinner or lunch served to the family members were the same. Considering the likes of the members the menu will be prepared. Now a days there are a lot of options to have separate food for each and everyone at home. They just go into the pantry or search in the refrigerator to find their favorite or buy from outside or order online and wait for it. That is the system followed by the young generation. That is good to certain level because of the fast life.
Food has an important role in the bondage in marriage. In my age, I was told that wives should take the privilege to find out the taste of their husbands and cook those dishes with a special ingredient of 'love' which makes him to surrender to you. To a good level that was true. They love to have food from home, because at home,  the most important person in his life is waiting to serve the delicious dish and to enjoy dinner with him. Who can get away from this. Let your husband to adore and enjoy your cooking, your unconditional love and the satisfaction of having the favorite food with the most lovable person. Learn from him his tastes and consult with his mom for the recipe and her special ingredients in it. After all you are going to be a good daughter in law also. What is there to loose for you? Only gain, gain and gain and a concrete foundation of understanding with your husband.
Now a days both boys and girls know cooking just to survive themselves. Go find out the taste of your spouse and try the dish. Let us take it in both ways by husband and wife because both are working and both are busy. Who comes back home first, can go ahead with the preparation of dinner and get ready for the next day's breakfast and lunch. Is that a nice idea to surprise your spouse with your helping hand on return from office? 

Monday, October 17, 2016

Man proposes, God disposes...have a strong faith in the 'Supreme Power'....

We proposes, and God disposes. It is so true. We can make any plans we want but the final decision is of 'God' that decides it's implementation as success or failures. Everything depends on 'God's' grace rather than our wisdom. We all the created and guided by the 'Supreme Power' with a proper and solid plan of prosperity. Have trust in the power and go ahead with a real positive attitude. Every plan has a nice end to finish it or to restart from it. We are created for a reason to fulfil the purpose of our life in this mother earth. The paths to reach the destination is cleared by the 'Almighty' in front of us to go through. It is the negative thinking in us distracting us to follow. Look inward and find the 'God' within us to follow the purpose to our true self, which is the original plan, serving the mankind and the planet with love. Be in touch with our community, with our fellow traveller's to keep our life moving ahead always with a mind of love serving others. Love is the most important factor to be with us to power our lives as humans. It can driven us to live our life passionately. Keep on learning everyday in our life through experiences to help our neighbours in our own unique way with love and wisdom. Let us have love for God, love for our fellow humans and love for ourselves.
If we look into our lives, we can see a lot of examples for this statement. Trips cancelled, postponed, marriages not happened, illness and deaths, job change, transfers to another city/country/continent, likewise lots and lots to think and have strong faith and trust in 'God'.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Lead a successful married life even if you are different....

Me and my husband are totally different by nature. He loves introspection while I loves to chat. He loves to stay at home I love to visit relatives. He won't like to do things in a systematic way I am just the opposite. It was so hard in my early phase to adjust.
My husband was so intelligent to tackle me, I think. He told 'why should we worry the things are not systematic at our home? It is our heaven, we can do as we wish. Let it be like it. See what's the problem here? We are happy right? We want to be happy. Let's go for a movie. Like that he diverted my attention from small things to make me join his team. Anyway without any hardships we succeeded and now we are very happy to be together for the last four decades. Even though we have differences we both have some common likes. We both love films. We love to dine out. We love cooking, photography, travel, reading and writing. I really appreciate him for his brilliant and positive approach to rail me into our marriage track. He was so kind and generous. Now he is a psychologist, he learned transactional analysis in his late thirties.
 Couples should know each other and respect each other. Differences will be there between spouses. Differences to a certain level is the basis of growth and development of the individuals. Differences are also beautiful and powerful. Enjoy the stage of being different and learn to live with your difference. But always treat your spouse as your true and real friend in your life. Work on your problems now and then to enjoy and embrace your married life.

Twelve secrets to a successful Marriage...

Love unconditionally. Love is giving. Give love and take love.
Treat and trust your spouse as your ever loving true friend.
Love your spouse's family from your heart. Appreciate and support your spouse.
Let go pains and hurts, grudges and past.
Don't compare your spouse or your married life with anyone or any other's marriage.
Attitude plays a great role in marriage. Change your mind to bring changes in your marriage life.
Happiness will come and go. Bring happiness back intentionally when you want to be happy.
Work out on crisis to stay calm. Avoid silence, talk and talk to vent out tension.
Always be generous, kind and happy to avoid criticism and arguments with your spouse.
Be a team in planning and implementing your life.
Learn life skills such as negotiation, communication, presentation, management etc. to win the hurdles in your marriage.
Never be defensive,  always take care to adopt a win-win policy in your married life.
                                                    Take care of your marriage because it is too fragile. Enjoy each and every moment in your married life. Every successful couples had arrived their success strategy through trials and errors. Use different tactics to get different results. Try to make changes in attitude, approaches and actions to derive your own success phenomenon in your married life.

Transparency is a vital key in successful marriage....

If you are open minded you will be transparent to your spouse. Openness leads to honesty and simplicity. You are like an open book. Everything is written, nothing is there to hide. Couples can be at ease and can find life becoming more comfortable.
There are some couples who hide even simple things from their spouses. I had friends, who purchase dresses and keep in office table because afraid to take home. Some buy jewellery by their own and say, it is gift from, mom, sister or aunt. Some will go for movie from office without telling their spouse. Likewise these are all silly and simple things keeping away from their spouses only because they are not transparent and open at heart. Doing such small things can go to higher levels which will go out of our control. It is better not to hide any thing from our spouse.
Transparency builds up faith in each other. Mutual trust and understanding is the greatest strength in a successful marriage. They are able to love unconditionally without any expectations. The rules and regulations in between them are common and easily manageable. There will be no I and You in between them, only We. We can easily understand that from their conversations. They always use 'we, our, us'. We can't hear they using the words, 'I, my or mine'. Both of them do all their work at home in unity. Transparency will drive away doubt, fear, jealous, grudge or past incidents. They can easily appreciate and support their spouse.

Synergy in Marriage...

The greatest benefit of marriage is synergy. Two persons, a man and a women, join together in the contract of marriage, in front of the God and relatives & friends. In the new journey they are 'one' not 'two'. They have to fulfil the purpose of taking part in the growth of the society through their life. For the harmony in their life they have to exit from 'I' and 'You' to the phenomenon 'We'. Synergy is the combined power of the couples. They both can achieve more and more than they work separately. Every spouse need to take care of each one's interest in personal and social growth. There are couples who live on excuses blaming the other for each and every thing. There are also some other couples who want to get the credit of success in their name rather than sharing it together. All these incidents are ill treating your spouse and results in derailing your marriage. Couples should be intimate. One should definitely value their spouse. Deep friendship is the key for true intimacy. Treat your spouse as your best friend to feel free to share foolishness, have jokes and enjoy laughter. Ups and downs are common in life. Enjoy your happy time together. Face the crisis in your life together to lessen the stress. Plan the whole package of your life together. Togetherness is always sweet. Maintain the 'sweetness' in your life to sustain the 'Synergy' in marriage. You are no more two. You are blessed by the 'Almighty' to be 'One' and serve the purpose of your life to bring happiness and peace in the world.

Positive thoughts on a healthy marriage....

" I have a limit and when you reach it I dismiss you from my life." Is that such a simple thing?
Marriage is a lifelong contract between two beautiful souls to create harmony in the world.
Attitude plays the main role in marriage. So attitude is everything in marriage. Your style of thinking develops your attitude. When you think negative, when you expect negative, when you do negative, when you say negative, then all the results end up in negative. Attitude will decide the response in the forthcoming sessions whether personal or official.
Try to analyse your attitude if you truly need a change. Get ready to make changes in the areas where your spouse disagrees. Get rid of the attitudes of continuous complaining, expecting negative talks, getting angry, getting sad and feeling sick with no reasons. Find a nice and suitable time to sit together and go through the likes and dislikes and find more time to get involved in common likes to share fun and laughter. Being positive is the right way to correct your spouse's attitude and make life better. Change your negative attitudes for the most important persons in your life, your spouse and children. Don't expect to agree everything by your spouse. Being more positive you will be able to respect your spouse's view also.
A short visualization technique on cultivating positive thoughts.
Sit down and analyse all the negative thoughts in you.
Write down consciously one by one.
Go through it again, read, and convince that these are the thoughts you want to get rid off.
Write down, I want to get rid off all these negative thoughts to be a better me for a better marriage life. I am going to burn all these. Pray to the 'Supreme Power' to fill with the positives of these negatives. With firm determination and a burning desire, burn all the negatives you want to expel from you and see that it is no more. Repeat this for few days till you feel positive and experiencing to have positive attitude.

Newly weds to know please....

I am an Indian. In India we value family. Marriage is between two, but beyond the twosome we honour wholesome that are the families also. Marriage is the contract between bride and bridegroom, the relation is between the two families. The close family members are so important to be invited for the functions and get together. It was the custom followed and even following. But in the new generation, the nuclear family is turning out to be more nucleus with the stay of the young couple away from home in connection with their career.
One conversation of the mom to her daughter just before marriage, shocked me. It was, " Oh my darling the doors of this home is wide open 24/7, if any discomfort come in.' I didn't comment because it was not suited in the situation with a bunch of relatives. As a counsellor, after six months the mom came to me with indifferences of the newly weds for the last six months. With three sittings they overcame the problem and living happily. One main reason not to get adjusted was the 'mom's sweet words'. Never ever we should give any foolish ideas or suggestions to our children simply to lack their usual compromising skills.
Yes of course, the spouse is the most important person in our life after marriage. Being a social individual we are bound to be a loving family member too. So both brides and bridegrooms, please honour and respect your other family members and use all the negotiation, compromising tactics if needed to maintain healthy family relations. If not in long run, you are going to be the victims of not caring and valuing your family. Also happiness will be surface thing in those families. A fusion of taste, culture, habits, style, likes and dislikes of both the families have to be taken into consideration for a better family in the world. Compromising acts with a positive attitude is an essential key to lead a harmonious and blissful life. Thank you all!

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Keys for successful Marriage...

We, me and my husband got married in 1976. By God's grace till now we are happy and  peaceful.
Trust and faith between us are the important key of the success in marriage. Of course from different family, we were totally different persons. Our marriage was an arranged one. We start to know each other only after our marriage. Arranged marriage was the ideal custom prevailed in our culture during that time. Slowly we start to love each other, recognize the likes and dislikes, passions of each other. First it was really hard to understand that I have to let go some of my favourites for my beloved.
My mom was the marriage counsellor for me. The rules and regulations were totally different that time. Even now, I respect those rules what my mom taught me. The nut shell is here.
"You are going to get married and being part of a new family. All families are having almost same rules and regulations with different amendments. You need to learn that from the first day itself from your husband, in laws and other members in that family. Your role as a wife is going to be more responsible to bridge between both the families. You have to respect and obey the elders, assist them whenever you are there, have dinner together, interact with all the members in the family, enjoy food with them, don't be reluctant to any food served and to create a oneness feel among all. The key to be a loving wife, daughter in law, sister in law and aunt in your new home is only in your hands. If you want to live happily go ahead with a positive approach without complaining for each and every small things you noticed in that new home which is not fair to you. Have faith in 'Almighty' the rest will be done by the 'God'. Good luck my dear!!!" This was my mom's words.
Even now I respect the words of my mom, because it was the real foundation in my life to be happy,  with my new relatives. Being simple and humble brings a lot. Tonnes of 'Happiness and Peace'.
We were so lucky to have faith in each other. We used to do household activities and backyard activities together. Where ever we go we will be together. Not in official sessions. Because we served in entirely different departments. Of course, we had and even now have difference of opinion. That is not a big thing. For us the little difference is the beauty in our life enabling both of us to think, speak and act differently. We underwent different courses such as psychology, yoga and meditation, astrology, human resource development etc. which in turn help us and our children to lead an ideal life. We love travel, photography, cooking and still enjoying all our passions.
My husband's words, "Now we are enjoying bonuses in our life. So let us be more and more simple and humble to our life." That is the success secret in our life. We are truly blessed by the "Almighty."

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Good thinking for Good living

Thoughts in our mind is the fastest language. We are unaware of our thoughts. The kind of thoughts in our mind determines our happiness. If we are not happy then our life is a failure. Only happy people can make others happy. Unhappy people always talk about fear, doubts and failures. They are highly pessimistic and calling up failure in their lives and those who are related in their lives.
Good thinking and positive thoughts are the only way to lead a good and happy life.
We tend to please others and think if I do that will that be right, if I speak this will that be nice, if I go there will that be nice, if I sing will that be Ok, if I go this restaurant will that be delicious. Like wise the 'if's' won't allow us to things in a straight forward way. Out of the fear, doubt and repeated failures, one will get addicted to negative thinking which in turn results in a total negative attitude, jealous, stress and anxiety.
We have to be good thinkers to make good choices in our lives. The thoughts of yourself is very important. Be confident in you, be true to you, live your life are the beautiful ways to think good of yourself. The thoughts of others is also equally important to have good thinking. Find good in others around you, if anything against your wish and will, let it go. This helps you develop good thoughts in you. So also good thinking of the work both at home and outside fills positivism in you. Nothing is impossible. Everything will end in good. These thoughts helps to create a positive environment around you. Think good about your life goals and create positive choices to live your life good.
Good thinking results in good deed and good talk. The thoughts in our life is the real life we live.
A nice example on thoughts in real life by two beautiful women tempt me to narrate this below.
A  lady in her late sixties with illness of diabetes, cholesterol and blood pressure was under a fear of heart disease in her seventies. She made it happen. At 71, she underwent a bye pass surgery after a massive heart attack.
Another lady in her mid seventies planned for mountaineering. After rigorous practice and positivity she managed and succeeded in mountaineering at the age of 79.
This is how thoughts influence one to live good and beautiful in lives.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Beautiful Life

We all wish and love to have a beautiful life. When we see others, we feel they are having a beautiful life. In what volume we measure the beauty of life. Is that based on the material richness? May be, right. But honestly that is not the beauty. Beauty lies on the happiness you enjoy, the love you feel, the peace you experience and after all the contentment in your life.
Above all the material and physical beauty you have is there any thing missing in your precious life in terms of love, happiness, wisdom, bliss, peace, trust and strength. Honestly you can find a piece of fear is there, fear of death, fear of judgment and fear of expression. Build up confidence and trust in yourself. It will take time, the more honest you are the more fast you can grab the beautiful things in your life.
Go ahead and build your beautiful life by your own with a schedule of positives.
Demoralise your desires out of your reach.
Find your own time to have yoga and meditation.
Be a member of the team at home and at your work place.
Find satisfaction and happiness in which you have.
Count the blessings you have.
Sharpen your ears to listen compassionately.
Clear up your eyes to see good in others.
Tame your tongue to speak nicely.
Be assertive and service minded. They are lots and lots of people around us who need care.
Practice compassion and humility in your life.
Smile at the world to get the smile back to live a beautiful life.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Find your Peace...

Today is the International day of Peace. We all need peace, we all want peace. So it is clear that we have to be peaceful. Is that happening to us? Some how we can adjust everything outside, but back home, we start blaming, complaining and arguing for silly things with our dear ones. Why? We can vent our stress and irritations in the most comfortable place in the world, that is our home. Then after a while everything quietens down and we are stress free.
Is this a healthy practice? After a big scene of unhealthy attitudes and then to healthy. No, not at all.
Take a moment. Think of self. Think of others. Everybody needs peace. We should not be the one to spoil the calmness. Meditation is the best way to practice peace. Look inward, concentrate within and find the true you. Find out the weakness in you and get rid of it with a systematic and disciplined regular practice.
Peace is the religion of soul. Peace is the natural path, from where we all come out, we all are moving and we all come back to. Peace is our original nature. Peace is who we are.
A simple meditation for peace in a group or individual. Sit comfortably where ever you feel to get peace. Do this meditation for five minutes. By repeated affirmations and assurance make it true.
'Just remember who we are. Just remind us, we are all peaceful by nature. At the end of a busy day we want to be at peace, because peace is who we are. Just remember in meditation, we are peaceful, we need peace, we are here for justice and we are here for harmony. Enjoy the state of remembering we are peaceful. Then let us fill our self with peace and imagine, how will we be when we are peaceful in our conversations, in our interactions with others, in our activities and in our attitudes. Let us decide to have this change and experience the peace in us, where we go, where we work, where we chat and with all to whom we are related. Listen to the quietness within, listen to the quietness outside. Now the soul is quiet, we are revealing the true essence within us. Now we are in peace, Yes, we are peace. We need to enjoy peace and to spread peace to our fellow beings. We need to make the whole world peaceful. We love to live in a peaceful world. We can do that. We can make others also take part in spreading and maintaining a peaceful community around us. We don't want to let go the peace. We want peace in every moment. Om Shanti! Om Shanti!! Om Shanti!!!'
For a peaceful life we need to think about peace, we need to talk about peace, we need to give away peace and we need to fill the world with peace.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Know the strength your fingers....

Our fingers represent the five elements or Panchabhuta.
The five elements are Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Ether. The cosmic energy is the grand total of these elements. These elements have the different characteristics. Our body is also governed by these elements. Our five fingers in our hands represent the five elements. It is wise to understand the knowledge of representation of the five elements in our hands and use it for our health.
Thumb represents the fire (Agni), index finger air (vayu), middle finger ether (akash), ring finger earth (bhoomi), and little finger (water). The temperature in our body is deciding the perfection of air and water elements. These three elements in a total decides the vigour and vitality of our body.
Pain in any point in our palms is an indication of illness in our body. This point if touched by your thumb for a minute will give great relief in your physiological state. So also touching the tips of the thumb and fingers to regulate and maintain the optimum level of temperature, air and fluid in our body helps to maintain physical and mental health.  

Here Everything Better....Yes it is, just like our life.

 While in my official career a tenure of three years were in charge of EEC, Market run by Department of Agriculture. We started a farmer's market allowing the farmer's to auction their produce directly weekly once. After a month of initial disturbances, it started functioning nicely. We made sure the farmers getting fair price for their produces without being in the racket of middle men. There our display board shows a caption 'Here every thing is the Best.'
Now in San Antonio, USA, we used to shop from HEB. The expansion is 'Here everything Better'.
Just recollecting older days where we used this caption and it is still alive in a big shopping chain. So nice to see things coming back to us cherishing old sweet memories and hard work done for the uplift of the farming community.

Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Rest and Sleep..essential for healthy life

Rest and sleep play a vital role in health and well being. Sound sleep is essential for mental and physical health. Sleep heals your mind and body. Sleep also repairs your heart and blood vessels.
Sleep deficiency shift your mind towards negative thoughts and is also linked with anxiety, fear and depression.
 Optimum sleep helps to wake up refreshed and relaxed. Seven to eight hours sleep is recommended for an adult. Sleep helps t restore body's energy, repair muscle tissues and trigger the release of hormones that effect growth and appetite. We get more emotional stability with adequate sleep, that keeps our mind strong and positive. Sleep is the essential key of a healthy life style to take care of our heart, posture and our mind.

Monday, June 6, 2016

Be kind to those who behave rude....

 We can see people who are rude. It is so hard to cope up with people who behaves bad.
These kind of people are really not aware of their behaviour. They always feel insecure. They are selfish and possessive. In all walks of life we can meet such personalities who cares about themselves only. They don't like to hear or listen others, appreciate or respect others, love or care others and also to follow others. They prefer everybody to follow them. Then it becomes a habit and they love to stay like that which makes them slowly detached from the flow.That type of behaviour will take away peace, happiness and also health from them and those who are with them. Don't take such situations personally.
Smile and stay silent in such situations. Face rudeness with kindness and respect. It is better to change yourself to adjust in such situations not for them, but for you, because you need not be in a bad situation Keep clam and draw a boundary, can be done mentally and stay in your space to get away. Be kind to the unkind because they need kindness to be calm within them. Walk away from them to show them and give a message that you won't accept or tolerate such a type of behaviour.
Always stay in a cheerful situation. Visualise the situations, bring the person in your mental portrait and pray for them to get the power of humility.

Thursday, June 2, 2016

Forget and Forgive to live in Peace

'Forget' means great to self, and of course helps us not to remember sad and unwanted things and not to rent out a space in our heart for those who hurt us. Letting them free is such a generous thing.
'Forgiveness' means releasing our own feelings of hurt and anger. It also helps to develop empathy and compassion for the one who hurt us.
We are not too much spiritual enough to show our other cheek when we are slapped in one. So what to do is, don't get worried and be bothered too much about other's mistakes. But we have to take care for us, because we alone are responsible for our own happiness. So for the sake of our own health and harmony, let us forget the unwanted things and forgive them who did that. If not, we will only be increasing our blood pressure. Smile beautifully at problems to keep them away. Apply the powerful tool, Silence and avoid many of the problems in front of us. Smile and Silence in a positive way are the strong catalysts of  Forgiveness. Train your 'MIND' to practice Smile and Silence positively.
 Forgiveness brings 'PEACE' and helps us to move on and on.

Monday, May 23, 2016

Love yourself to love others

Love yourself to love others. Always love what you do. Never give up what you love. Be patient and don't let others rule over you. A little fear is good but don't let fear not to do things what you love.
Patience is the success key to stay healthy and happy. Take your experiences as lessons and work out for better outcome. Practice silence to avoid quarrels and arguments. Forget bitterness of past and don't get worry about future. Past is history and future is mystery. Live in the moment which is heavenly.


Monday, May 16, 2016

What is happiness?

Happiness is a state of feeling when we are in joy, pride, satisfaction and gratitude. It differs from person to person. When a person's life is meaningful and worthful, then he is happy. Happy people are healthy, have more friends, they are generous and more productive, they are more innovative and creative, they love their family and the Universe and they can very well cope with stress and challenges. Social connections are key to happiness.
Build healthy relationships
Write down daily journal of gratitude
Be kind to others
Do good to others
Forget and forgive
Practice mindfulness
Have a healthy sleep of 7 to 8 hours
Absolute happiness is to find within us. It is eternal.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Wandering walk to explore new neighbourhood and stay fit

Wandering walk is entirely a different activity from walking. Walking is merely going to a particular spot, while wandering is a real journey to enjoy and explore the area. The landscapes, plants, trees, herbs and shrubs gives an idea of nature, the people walking and greeting gives the nice picture of the lovely people in the neighbourhood. When we are with our children in USA or in Australia, me and my husband used to do wandering walk to get a clear picture of the community where we live and to befriend with the nice people also who use to walk. This helps us to have fun and even an aim to live away from home with our beloved children and to know the neighbourhood and be in touch with the neighbours and residents in the community. It also helps to do some yard/ garage sales, festivals in the suburbs. Exploring along with enjoyment is great energy booster for seniors to stay young and fit.


Friday, May 13, 2016

Love and be kind to others

"Throughout all time and space, there is only oneself." Sri Buddha's words. We have to love and respect all beings. When our hearts are filled with love and kindness for others, without any discrimination that is the real humanity that we all are part of one another. This realisation helps us to view others just like we view ourselves. Even though we all are different, we are all humans and are thus, all one entity. We should neither hate nor disrespect anyone. We should act in a way to create goodness and happiness for all people around us and all over in the Universe.  Mostly all people wish to have wealth and prestige, longevity, happiness and merits in their life. Only if we practice good causes and perform goodness results in happiness and fortune. Let  us practice goodness to accumulate merits and fortune. And also teach and help others to do good and love and respect all beings. To start with the simple way is, " Think no harm, do no harm and speak no harm of others, that results in thinking only good, doing only good and talking only good of others and self, which leads to the principle of "Oneness."

Monday, May 9, 2016

Be happy and stay happy......

It was 8th of May....Mother's Day.
So it is a day to be treated. My friends shared their programmes of going out, having self care, invited by children like that.....So I thought to make Mother's Day great what to do. Then came the idea, I am in charge of the beautiful part of the home. Let me make a surprise lunch served in banana leaves. This is the picture of the lunch I prepared.
 Pumpkin curry on the right side, from right top avail a veggie mix in grated coconut, sautéed zucchini, red spinach and green lentil, just above rasam, tomatoes in tamarind, papadum, fish fry with sautéed onion with chilly flakes, banana chips, mango pickle and a banana. All at home were thankful and they loved to have a nice lunch on a Sunday and also on Mother's Day cooked by the beloved mom. That gave immense happiness to me. Let any special day come,  children's health and happiness are the most important things for a loving and happy mom.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Ear massage to increase immunity

 Ear massage helps to relax. It is great to massage your ears whenever you feel tensed, stressed or tired. Conscious massaging for at least five minutes will energise you. You can do this simple massage wherever you are. Just take a seat and start massaging.
Use your thumb and index finger to gently massage the ear lobes in small circles. Start massage from the bottom to upward and after completing come downward and repeat. Then place your thumbs on the entry of your ear canals, folding all the other fingers and rotate the thumbs gently clockwise, anticlockwise and again clockwise, five times each. Since the ear lobes are energetically linked to the brain any pressure on ear lobes helps to increase memory, intelligence skills and reduce tension in your body and overthinking.
Ears endings connect to the reflex centres in the brain and the massage on ear lobes helps the internal organs and the whole body by triggering the release of brain endorphins which allows to refresh your thinking, calm yourself down and energise your body.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Spend time outdoors and stay healthy

Outdoor activities are the gateway to energise your mind and body. The beauty of nature, the cool breeze and the company of dear and near ones builds in happiness and enhance your mood. Chatting, playing, singing, dancing, snacking and having fun and humour are the highlights of outdoors. The whole family from infant to seniors can enjoy outdoors and have their own fun and pleasure.
It can be for a day or more than a day with family or friends which will help to socialise and strengthening the bond of relationships.
Outdoors also helps to reduce stress and anxiety due to the daily hectic routine of work. Nature can do wonders, the fresh air invigorates and rejuvenate one thus improving their health. Go for outdoors on a monthly or bimonthly basis to enjoy quality time with family and friends.

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Skies are sheer beauty!

If you are getting bored, watch the sky from your room or from any place you like to spend. Watching the cloud is an antidote to boredom. If we watch the sky on a regular basis, we will be surprised of the magic show of sky. Sky watching gives a feel of close with nature. Skies are so beautiful to behold. It's picturesque and the artist with in us can easily grab paper and paint to reproduce the beauty by drawing down.
It's amazing to observe different shapes of clouds in which we can read or write stories of our own. Without any expense one can watch this magic and beautiful show to enrich and enlighten self. Morning and evenings are the best time for me.
Above all, the sky show simply nourishes the soul.      

Friday, April 29, 2016

Be in tune with nature and enjoy calmness

The idea to spend time with nature makes one feel better. We all feel this is true and also support the idea. Nature is good for us to heal our ill, stress or a trauma. Nature fills us with love, beauty, compassion and increases the pleasant feelings. Being in nature reduces fear, anger, anxiety and stress. Nature helps to cope with pain. As we are attracted by the picturesque beauty of nature it helps to distract us from our pain and discomfort. One can stay calm and balanced for hours spending in nature refreshing us to take up the new task in front of us.
Regardless of age, culture, work or status, all can enjoy nature and have a self treat.

Have fun and stay young...

A 70+ grandpa with his toddler grandson
 Never ever let an opportunity go which has fun. Fun helps you feel like you are free like a bird ready to fly, happy and healthy.
No matter how old you are? Time is forcefully pushing us into the next phase of life without permission. When you want to do something adventurous forget about acting your age and act on yourself. Let our hearts and souls fill with the thrills of better opportunities to come. Be a member in the group of people who are capable and wish to enjoy fun and stay young at heart. Once you are in then you can visibly observe you won't let it go.

Monday, March 7, 2016

Overall Benefits of Mudras

Pritvi Mudra
Mudras helps in coordination of the five elements  which control the internal glands of the body parts and their physiological functions. The dormant energies within the body get activated using these Mudras thus enhance memory, sharpen the brain and
develops concentration. By practicing Mudras you become calmer, more relaxed and focussed. Mudras also helps to awaken the cosmic energy and to unite with the consciousness of the Supreme Soul.
Practice Mudras regularly to experience the powerful benefits.


Mudras a handy tool to stay healthy

Varun Mudra
 Your health is quite literally in your hands. To believe that you must practice Mudras. Nothing to lose but much to gain.
  Mudras are the symbolic hand gestures performed in India in dances, yoga and religious ceremonies. Mudra is a Sanskrit word, it's meaning is 'seal' or 'closure'. Mudras involves by placing the hands and fingers in certain positions. Mudras focus and direct energy in a yoga pose or meditation. These Mudras helps to create pathway for energy(prana) to flow and unblock the chakras. Mudras can be used to balance and heal the body and mind.
  It is absolutely a handy tool for restoring your health and wellness. Daily practice of Mudras help you stay in perfect heath and happiness throughout your life.
Mudras help in awakening of Kundalini power and attain spiritual attainment.
Apan Vayu Mudra

Principles of Mudras

Shoonya Mudra
Just like the universe the physical body is made of five elements namely air, water, fire, earth and akash (ether). These five elements are known as 'Panchabhoothas.' Our thumb and the four fingers of our hands represent the five elements. The imbalances of these elements in our body disrupts the immunity system of the body which later results in diseases.
 The five elements in our body can be balanced to the required level through performing Mudras. When a finger representing an element is brought into contact of the thumb, that particular element happens to be balanced in the body and cures the disease that can be caused by the imbalance.
Vyan Mudra
Thumb represents fire, index finger air, middle finger ether, ring finger earth and little finger water. Mudras ignite electromagnetic currents within the body which balances the elements and restore health.

Importance of Mudras

Agni Mudra
Mudras play a great role to maintain good physical health and to provide peace of mind. Mudras along with breathing exercises enliven the flow of 'Prana' in the body by stimulating different parts of the body involved with breathing. Relating directly to nerves, Mudras create a subtle connection with the instinctual patterns in the brain and influence the unconscious reflexes in these areas. It helps to balance the internal energy within the body. This affects the change in the sensory organs, glands, veins and tendons which adds a new dimension to the yoga experience. By practising Mudras you can stay in perfect health physically, mentally and spiritually. Mudra therapy is an effective way of non medical and holistic healing.
Prana Mudra

Thursday, March 3, 2016

How to do Mudras

Dyan Mudra
Before performing mudras, wash your hands and dry it.
Sit in a comfortable position in a chair or cross legged.
Sit with your back straight, hands on your knees.
Feel relaxed, rub both the hands for a few times and hold in front of navel chakra.
While doing mudras, touch the tips of the fingers and thumb gently and all the other fingers need to be held straight.
Place your hands on the thighs, facing upwards.
For better results perform mudras in both hands.
Minimum 20 minutes are worth to perform a mudra.
I not getting time at a stretch try to do in 2 or 3 spells.
Don't do a mudra less than 5 minutes at a time.
Practice mudras for a period till you start to enjoy the benefits.
After the mudra, again rub your hand a few times and enjoy the warmth in your palms on your face,
hands and body.
Varun Mudra

Anjali Mudra

Anjali Mudra is referred to as prayer hands. It is the Indian greeting way... NAMASTE.
In Anjali Mudra the palms of the hands are pressed together gently and evenly  in front
of the heart with the fingers pointing upwards. The hands are held at heart chakra.
The meaning of Namaste can be described as, the right palm is you the left palm is me
and together we are one. Oneness is the essence.
By bringing the palms together in this Mudra connects the right and left hemispheres of the brain.
Connects the practitioner with spirituality/divinity
Promotes respect for oneself and others
Reduces stress and anxiety
Helps to be in a meditative state
Helps the oneness feeling
Helps to build up love, care and compassion