Monday, November 14, 2016

Benefits of Tadasana(Mountain Pose)

Tadasana is a warm-up pose that improves circulation of blood and stretches the whole body enabling the body fit for other asana in yoga. So it is the basis of all asanas. Start the day with Tadasana as it helps physically to feel stretched and refreshed and mentally energised and motivated.
 Stand straight with your feet flat about half feet apart and hands on the dorsal. Inhale slowly and deeply stretch you body raising on your toes and lifting your hands through the sides up above your head covering the ears and intertwine your palms. Hold the breath for 20 seconds. While exhaling slowly come to the original position with your feet flat on the floor and your hands on the dorsal. Relax for 10 seconds before you go for the next. Feel the stretch over the whole body. Do the asana consciously stretching the legs, hands, trunk, back and the spine. This simple asana alone can do wonders if you do it wholeheartedly. Yoga is commitment to self. Repeat for 21 times.

Benefits of Tadasana
Strengthens the whole body.
Improves posture.
Trims and firms abdomen.
Strengthens ankles, knees, thighs and legs.
Makes feet, hip, hands and shoulders more flexible.
Improves respiration.
Promotes blood circulation.
Eliminates and relieves sciatica.
Enhance digestion.
Improves mindfulness.
Activates the internal organs.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Impact of food based on Body type.....

Food activate our senses and body systems to receive the energy from the nature. The food we eat has great impact in our mind and body. Food is very important for an individual to live a healthy and happy life. Food has different impact in different persons.  Based on  Vata/pitta/kapha nature, the 'Tridosha' principle of Ayurveda, decides the impact of food in one. Even though specific diet is recommended by Ayurvedic experts based on the body type,  it is the responsibility of the person to  finalise the diet  pattern by trial and error method, what to eat and what to avoid. Each person is born with a unique type of body which is composed of the five elements viz., air, water, fire, ether and earth. The diet can upset the body nature and imbalance the body systems by decreasing or increasing the doshas (defects) in our body. The dosha upset of a food is determined by its taste like sour, sweet, bitter, pungent, salty or astringent and other qualities like heavy, fatty, oily, cold, hot or dry.
Vata has the elements of air and ether. Vata controls the movement of fluid in the body. It controls the flow of blood to and from the heart, function of the lungs and passage of food to the digestive system. To balance vata, the person should drink lot of warm fluids and eat more warm foods rice, wheat and cooked vegetables. The consumption of raw food must be a small quantity by vata type.
Pitta has the elements water and fire and it regulates appetite by controlling metabolism and digestion. Pitta diet is included with lots of raw fruits and vegetables, starchy food and cold fluids. Vegetarian diet is recommended for pitta type. They should avoid spicy foods.
Kapha has the elements water and earth and provides good strength by controlling the structures of the body. They are easily susceptible to colds, flu, arthritis and joint pains. Kapha type people should have plenty of raw fruits and vegetables in their diet along with hot drinks like herbal tea and should avoid oily food like butter, milk, ice cream, sweet and fried foods.
In general the food rules are to go for warm, quality, optimum quantity, in the optimum time and when feels hungry in a calm place enjoying the taste of the food.
Cooking is my passion, eating with dear and near ones is my pastime and being a free lance blogger on recipes food tasting is my weakness. So my principle is, if you are along with a group of friends or relatives don't go with a hard rule with a do not list of food in your diet if you like to have it . Know your body type and mindfully eat the food. Conscious eating will helps one to stay healthy and happy.

Yoga balances the three defects of the Body (Tridosha principle)....

Yoga is a science that has been practiced for thousands of years and it's aim is to unite body, mind and soul. In yogic tradition flexible spine is the key to self and vitality. Just like a tree which bends down with the wind without breaking, 'life force' can move easily through a supple spine. Yoga helps one to sharpen the bodily awareness and concentrate in a meditative way.
Yoga is to balance the three defects (doshas) in our body. Those are Pitta dosha, Vata dosha and Kapha dosha which are known as 'Tridosha' principle in Ayurveda. Not only the human beings everything in the universe are categorised under according to the three doshas. The functional part of the body is governed by air, water and space/ether. They govern the psycho-biological and physio-pathological changes in our body. Vata-pitta-kapha are present in each and every cell in our body.
Pitta is the combination of water and fire elements.
Vata is the combination of air and space elements.
Kapha is the combination of water and earth elements.
Vata regulates movement, pitta controls metabolic processes and kapha functions through the fluids in our body. These three doshas are distinctly present in every living organisms and express differently in each according to the predominance of the elements.
Generally we are grouped in the three doshas based on the imbalance of the elements in our body and result in the corresponding doshas. The smooth functioning of the body is hampered due to the imbalances in the three doshas and results in the form of dis-ease. Negative emotions such as jealousy, anger, fear, insecurity, sadness, over confidence, stress and greed are created the imbalances of water, air, ether, fire and earth elements in our body. 
Breathing , asana, meditation and relaxation in 'Yoga' helps to improve muscle tone, flexibility, alignment, balance and concentration. Yoga helps to balance the glandular system, strengthens the nervous system and tap in the energy of mind, control the emotions and to be in your own self. Regular practice of yoga results in the balancing the five elements in our body for a better functioning of bodily systems, increased radiance, emotional balance, enhanced intuition and elimination of negative thoughts which are the essentials to keep away the ailments in connection with the three defects. Individual care is needed to avoid the foods which create discomfort related to our body type.

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Put a check in your emotions to heal your mind

Everyone experiences emotional distress. It varies from individual to individual. If the distress stays long the individual will get out of control physically and mentally. If we don't know how to deal with this distress that will leads to anxiety and psychic disorders. The emotional distress we face are such as physical ailments, boredom, negative thoughts, jealousy, sadness, competitive mentality, one up mentality, addictions, anger and agitated behaviour. To open up with a true friend or a talking expert or a counsellor will help to stay from these unwanted feelings and emotions and helps you with simple steps of healing your mind.
To keep your emotions under your control start to love yourself which helps you to be honest.
Be yourself to take care of your needs and wants such as food, clothes, trips, your beliefs, values etc.
Love others and the universe to be part of the higher self.
Practice openness and prove your personality can enhance your mental and physical wellbeing.
Be creative to enjoy fun and deal with the situations you are.
Let us see how can it work to control our emotions. Fun activities loosen up our energy and bring optimism. Self care and self help are the only ways to reduce emotional distress. Self care helps to understand self, set up goals, act on them, learn from experience and serve others which in turn helps one develop and heal. Be a learner through out the life to become more humble and down to earth. Once you feel that you have completed your education to acquire life skills will make you emotionally distressed. The main factor is the individual needs to take action to control emotions and get healed. Do introspection to know you better, start meditation, join a laughter club and have a good sleep daily along with your positive approach in life.

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Diet and Yoga

Food is very important in yoga practice. All are having a natural instinct to have healthy diet to stay healthy. We all know what is bad and what is good food for us. But we forget the goods when we are with friends and family before food. Yoga helps us to stimulate the need of food. Food provides energy to the body and mind helping to enhance the immunity of our body. Fresh foods gives lightness in our body. No strict rules are assigned in yoga. While having food let our consciousness awake to eat what we need. The main factor is to eat fresh foods in moderation. Vegetarianism is advised because it can give inner calmness and harmony between body and mind.
Eat food when you are hungry. Take care not to fill the stomach in full. Leave a portion free in the tummy to have liquid foods. Eat food in time. Start your day with two glasses of pure water in empty stomach. Have a healthy breakfast to break the fast overnight. Have a moderate lunch and a light dinner. Do not forget to drink at least 12 glass water a day. Every time when you eat, thank for the food and enjoy the food. So eat to live don't live to eat.
Rather than food the other essentials such as needs, wants, intuitions and instincts for a healthy life are required for being well physically, mentally and emotionally.

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Benefits of Yoga in Daily Life

Yoga helps to unite body, mind and soul. A healthy body can only house a calm and serene mind. A healthy body and a calm mind can only follow an enlightened soul. Yoga teaches one to live an easy life rather than a perfect life. Everyday is not the same, likewise we have ups and downs in our lives. Yoga convinces us failure is not a shame while we are nearing to success. Being a gentle and slow going art 'Yoga' makes one patient and the mind to practice more to reach the destination. Regular practice helps one, not to give up and achieve the thing seemed to be harder. Yoga provides the balance in life through discipline. Discipline in time, finance, diet, talk, activities and in sleep help to live a balanced life and thus becoming a better person. Yoga helps to be more creative in making the thoughts into action and destroying the destructive thoughts which can hinder one's growth. Yoga helps to get off the rigid mentality allowing one to become more flexible in life to see things in a wider angle in a positive approach thus prioritising between needs and wants in life. The deep breathing in yoga is the key factor in Yoga to cleanse and energise each and every cells in our body.
The conscious inhale and exhale help to control our thoughts and change our mind to a calm state. Besides physical experience and changes yoga gives a sense of purpose in life with an open mind to respect the mankind and to serve the universe.

Common problems in marriage

Recognition and acceptance are the most important factors raised in a marriage seminar where I attended. Thus the empathy part in married life is becoming less and less. Now a days communication between couples are through SMS and text messages. So healthy communication is not going through couples who are busy in official life. Children are becoming the scapegoats in between the busiest time of their parents. Spouses are having all amenities for their own and there is no point on depending each other. They are having their own fun such as shopping, dine out, birthday parties, girl's or boy's day out likewise. 'Let it go' mentality is good. Instead of 'let it go', couples are finding their own way 'to let go' instead of having fun together. The appreciation part of each other in married life is totally lacking. Since the couples are having their own space to relax in life, the battle of chores at home remain unaddressed suffering by the person more responsible with the kids and home. It is wise to have a dependency between each other to have a wanted feeling among the couples. The 'I' and 'You' model relationship is the key factor in the disturbing the harmony in married life.