Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Think young and live long....

How old are you?
I am 70 years young....follow this philosophy, through out.....
How we think about age, can have profound effects on how we actually age. The idea that we can
think ourselves young ,our minds could cause changes in our bodies. It can alter your mind-set and
change your body. In our culture, aging (especially for women)equates with minuses, not pluses and
the negative stereotypes associated with growing older weigh heavily on us all.
Think young and acquire the abundance of energy-physical, intellectual, and creative-that accompanies youth: a strong heart and clear arteries, aerobic fitness and muscle strength, easy movement and good posture. Enjoy the counter-clockwise journey as a success in midlife and for decades beyond.
Seek out new experiences, make plans, embrace change, and stay flexible and resilient......


  1. learn vagaries of life,variations in life each day the life give new messages if you involve with nature and other people this is the recipe of life,s success

  2. That's true and inspiring ! Thank you
