Thursday, April 16, 2020

#covid19# lockdown# time pass activities. Dancing as a workout

I am not a dancer. Being a yoga practitioner does yoga and teach yoga. I like dance 💃 In my childhood amma loves us to do steps along with music. My father was against about teaching dance to us. So amma left her wish to teach dance. When I start learning yoga in my early thirties the dance passion again came up. Our daughter learned bharathanatyam in her childhood and early teens. Now she is participating in group dance programs during festivals in USA. 
Are you passionate in dancing? Age is not a bar. Play your favourite song. Put your own steps. Enjoy the music, fill happiness in your mind and focus on your steps. Don’t give stress on your body or do forcefully. Listen to your body and continue dance. Feel free to stop at any moment. Go on and continue the next day to make dancing part of your workout.
It’s lockdown time. Plenty of time at home. Take care of your health. Bring out your passion for dancing. If your children and grandchildren are are with you invite them also to celebrate your physical activity to get fit mentally and physically.
Benefits of Dancing as a Therapy 
1 Increases aerobic fitness 
2. Strengthens core muscles and bones
3. Reduces risk of osteoporosis 
4. Capacitates lungs and heart 
5. Improves cardiovascular health 
6. Strengthens lower body and hands 
7. Improves flexibility and stability 
8. Increases the ability to focus and concentrate 
9. Reduces risk for developing dementia 
10. Reverses the signs of aging in the brain. 
These are some of the benefits. 
Some tips for those who likes to include dancing in their work out.
Dancing is a great activity to keep fit. Be careful with your balance when you start with. Care should be taken to do the steps in all directions especially on both sides to balance and coordinate the body and mind. Don’t forget to smile. Smile on your lips and the grace on your face helps to relieve stress and have fun. Research shows dance can be used as a therapy for ailments such as asthma, arthritis, heart disease, cancer, dementia and parkison. 
So why to wait? Start at home now. Get fit. Dancing as a workout is good for body, mind and soul rather than a fun pass time. 

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