Saturday, December 30, 2017

Beauty is a State of Mind


At dawn on 1st June 2015, I looked out of our apartment with my grandson to experience the nature that was before us, the snowy mountains of Tredbo, Melbourne, Australia. The hills and valleys, peaks and lows, the plains and slopes, the trees and shrubs, the buildings and passages, the roads and paths were all blanched and covered by snowfall variegating a thrilling experience of flamboyant beauty which was really mesmerising. The Mother Nature was exhilarating us to enjoy her pristine beauty on the first day of winter itself.

                                                    It’s an evening today on 25th of June 2015 in San Antonio at Texas, USA; I am before HEB, a super store with my three year old grandson. I asked for the expansion of HEB for which I got an instant reply “Here everything beautiful”. It sparkled in me the beauty of innocence which is full of love, care and compassion. These two incidents fascinated me to scribble this article on beauty.

                                                      Is it beauty the power of appearance, may be, that is why beauty contests are being carried out. On a second thought, it can be realised as the lower part of the continuum of beauty. Real beauty is not in make up or make over, it is something good inside a person. According to Ninon do l’ Enclos “That what is striking and beautiful is not always good, but that which is good is always beautiful.” So goodness is the ‘Pinnacle of Beauty.’

                                                        On seeing a flower, a scene or a piece of art, we say “it’s beautiful.” So beauty is seen as in our perception. But there are so many things which cannot be seen but felt and so we say that “the nature of beauty is intrinsic as the quality and its importance is that it crowns one with love and compassion. Something happens inside that exalts the soul in what the real beauty is.

                                                         How is beauty shown or expressed? It can be shown in behaviour and action which leads to the attitude of a person. Beauty is showing firm values without letting down integrity shrivel under any situations. Beauty is the light that whittles away darkness from the universe.

                                                          Beauty can be seen in a bipolar dimension; being external and eternal. External beauty is perishable which is transitory to the sense organs. A man in good vices sees his wife as angel and in bad vices sees her as devil. His definition of beauty is in the mode of infatuation of his mind. But real beauty is eternal which is the perfect glow with an inner radiance and confidence as shown by great legends.

                                                           Beauty is the refined state of mind and soul. Stillness and loveliness are the characteristics of beauty. The basic core of everything in the universe both animate and inanimate is kindling for the reciprocity of love and compassion – that is the real essence of beauty.








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