Saturday, November 12, 2016

Impact of food based on Body type.....

Food activate our senses and body systems to receive the energy from the nature. The food we eat has great impact in our mind and body. Food is very important for an individual to live a healthy and happy life. Food has different impact in different persons.  Based on  Vata/pitta/kapha nature, the 'Tridosha' principle of Ayurveda, decides the impact of food in one. Even though specific diet is recommended by Ayurvedic experts based on the body type,  it is the responsibility of the person to  finalise the diet  pattern by trial and error method, what to eat and what to avoid. Each person is born with a unique type of body which is composed of the five elements viz., air, water, fire, ether and earth. The diet can upset the body nature and imbalance the body systems by decreasing or increasing the doshas (defects) in our body. The dosha upset of a food is determined by its taste like sour, sweet, bitter, pungent, salty or astringent and other qualities like heavy, fatty, oily, cold, hot or dry.
Vata has the elements of air and ether. Vata controls the movement of fluid in the body. It controls the flow of blood to and from the heart, function of the lungs and passage of food to the digestive system. To balance vata, the person should drink lot of warm fluids and eat more warm foods rice, wheat and cooked vegetables. The consumption of raw food must be a small quantity by vata type.
Pitta has the elements water and fire and it regulates appetite by controlling metabolism and digestion. Pitta diet is included with lots of raw fruits and vegetables, starchy food and cold fluids. Vegetarian diet is recommended for pitta type. They should avoid spicy foods.
Kapha has the elements water and earth and provides good strength by controlling the structures of the body. They are easily susceptible to colds, flu, arthritis and joint pains. Kapha type people should have plenty of raw fruits and vegetables in their diet along with hot drinks like herbal tea and should avoid oily food like butter, milk, ice cream, sweet and fried foods.
In general the food rules are to go for warm, quality, optimum quantity, in the optimum time and when feels hungry in a calm place enjoying the taste of the food.
Cooking is my passion, eating with dear and near ones is my pastime and being a free lance blogger on recipes food tasting is my weakness. So my principle is, if you are along with a group of friends or relatives don't go with a hard rule with a do not list of food in your diet if you like to have it . Know your body type and mindfully eat the food. Conscious eating will helps one to stay healthy and happy.

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