Saturday, May 30, 2020

Mudra healing, Apana mudra and Apana Vayu Mudra

Welcome back 🙏
Mudra healing session.
Yoga mudras are the simple practices that maintain physical and mental wellness. Prioritise the needs and choose the mudra that you want to perform. 
Apana Mudra ( Mudra of cleansing/ purity)
Apana is the life sustaining energy centered in the large intestine. 
Related Sacral and Root chakras. Balance the space and earth elements within the body. It generates strong downward pulling force. Pregnant women need to avoid this mudra for the 8 months of pregnancy.
Regulates the functions of the excretory system.
Eliminates the toxins in the body.
Eradicates negative thoughts.
Cures the disorders of digestive tracts and rectum related piles, fistula and fissure.
Strengthens the pelvic muscles.
Brings inner harmony.
How to do 
Sit tall, comfortably and relaxed.
Place hands on your thighs.
Join the tips of the thumbs, ring and middle fingers straightening out the other two fingers.

Apana Vayu Mudra ( Mrityu Sanjeevani Mudra)
It is a powerful mudra.
Related to heart chakra. 
It regulate earth and space elements and completely controls the air element. The fire element is well balanced that supply more oxygen to the heart arteries and strengthens the heart.
Instant relief to heart pain.
Relieves body aches and pain.
Removes the acidity and reduces the excess gas in the tummy.
Strengthen the lungs and cures asthma.
People suffering from low blood pressure may consult an expert before doing this mudra.
How to do 
Bring the index finger tips to the base of the thumbs and join the tips of the the thumbs and the tips of the ring and the middle fingers. Straighten out the little fingers.
Focus on the mudra and visualise the benefits in your body and mind and practice. Early morning is the best time to practice. 20-30 minutes of practice is advisable. 45 minutes give quick results. Regular practice is the success key.
Thank you friends 🙏

Mudra healing, Agni mudra and Anjali mudra

Welcome back friends 🙏
Mudra Healing session.
We all are gifted, the gift of life ❤️
Let’s use the magical power of healing within us and live wisely.
Agni Mudra (Mudra of Fire/ the weight loss mudra)
Agni mudra restores the fire element and balances the heat within the body. Related to solar plexus chakra.
Enhances self confidence and willpower.
Rectifies digestive disorders.
Reduces weight, melts away excess fat, eliminates bad cholesterol.
Cures diabetes and liver disorders.
Stimulates thyroid glands.
Those who are suffering from high blood pressure and acidity is not advised to practice Agni mudra. 
How to do 
Sit comfortably and relaxed.
Place your hands on the thighs/ knees.
Bend the ring fingers to the base of the thumbs and cover the ring fingers with the thumbs.
All the other fingers straighten out.
Sit straight, focus on the mudra, visualise the benefits to achieve and do for 20 minutes.
Anjali Mudra (Mudra of Love and Gratitude)
It is the Namaskar mudra, Namaste 🙏 and also used in Pranaamasana( Prayer Pose). Anjali mudra is the posture for calmness and equanimity. It symbolises respect towards self and towards the universe. It is a natural way to cure stress and anxiety.
Connects the left and right hemispheres of the brain.
Connects the active and receptive natures.
Balances masculine and feminine qualities within.
Balances logic and intuition.
Balances strength and tenderness.
Brings wholeness. 
How to do 
Sit tall, comfortable and relaxed.
Hands on your knees.
Bring the hands together in front of your chest, press the palms firmly, fingers pointing up. Touch the thumbs into your heart chakra. Let the elbows be in the alignment with your wrists. You are free to hold prayer pose as you like, in front of your face or above your head like that. Focus on the the mudra and visualise the results to gain. Perform for 10-15 minutes. 
Early morning is a best time to practice. Regular practice helps to gain results quickly.
Thank you 🙏

Friday, May 29, 2020

Mudra Healing, Vayu mudra and Shoonya mudra

Welcome back to Mudra healing Therapy 🙏
To lead a healthy life some form of exercise is essential in daily routine.
Vayu Mudra( Mudra of Air)
Air imbalance is the main reason of all the disorders in the body and mind. Vayu mudra controls and regulates the movement of air inside the body and makes the body healthy in regular practice.
Related to heart chakra.
Removes unwanted air and restores the air balance in the body.
Relieves stiffness, pain and aches in the neck, shoulders, elbows, back, hips and knees.
Decreases and removes digestive disorders.
How to do
Sit comfortably and relax with a few normal breaths.
Place the palms on the knees.
Place the tips of the index fingers on the base of the thumbs and press the index fingers gently with the thumbs. Straighten out the other three fingers.
Close your eyes, focus on the mudra and visualise the benefits and hold the mudra for 20minutes.
Shoonya Mudra ( Mudra of Emptiness/ Heaven Mudra)
It is a curative mudra that balances the excess space in the body. Associated with the level of peace that leads to spiritual awakening. Related to heart and throat chakras.
Alleviates the discomforts related to throat, ears, thyroid and vertigo.
Removes fatigue feeling.
Increases blood circulation and removes numbness.
How to do
Sit comfortably for the practice.
Fold the middle fingers down to the base of the thumbs and gently press the middle fingers with the thumbs. Straighten out the other three fingers.
For better results hold mudra for 45 minutes a day for one month. If not able to do it at a stretch go for 2-3 spells. Have faith in your therapy and enjoy the benefits. Thank you 🙏

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

Mudra healing, Prithvi mudra and Varuna mudra

Welcome back 🙏 Mudras for Self healing ❤️
Two mudras today.
Prithvi Mudra (Mudra of Earth)
Awakens the earth element.
Reduces the fire element.
Improves body strength and balance.
Keeps the body stable.
Helps in gaining body weight.
Associates with nose, recovers from nasal disorders.
Good for hair
Prithvi mudra is gently touching the tips of the the thumbs and the ring fingers. Straighten the other three fingers .
Varuna Mudra ( Mudra of Water/ Seal of Mental clarity)
Awakens the water element.
Balances the fluid contents in the body.
Enhances communication skills.
Results in openness.
Activates salivary glands.
Helps in skin health.
Varuna mudra is gently touching the tips of the the thumbs and the little fingers.
Straighten the other three fingers.
Don’t try to straighten forcibly.
Leave them as possible as straight.
How to Practice
Sit in a comfortable posture.
Take a few normal breaths and relax. Hold the mudra.
Visualise the benefits.
Place your hands on the knees.
Practice with eyes closed for better concentration. Focus on the tips of the closed fingers.
Early morning is the best time to practice. Avoid two hours after a heavy meal. Do it for 20 minutes. Don’t try to do for less then 5 minutes. If you are busy do it in 2 or 3 spells in a day. Practice regularly for the results.

Thank you 🙏

Mudras for Self healing , Gyan mudra and Aakash mudra

Hello friends❤️
After a series of chair yoga sessions for seniors I am back. Sharing the experience in ‘Mudras and its healing power’.
I love mudras and been doing for years since my Kundalini Yoga Practice. Mudras are one among the the therapy to holistic approach in life.
Mudras balances energy in body and mind.
Helps to create pathways for energy (prana) to flow and removes the blocks in chakras.
Mudras offer happiness and spiritual attainments.
Mudras are helpful in awakening kundalini power.
The Principle
Likewise the entire universe our physical body is made up of the five elements, air, water, fire, earth and aakash (ether/space).
The fingers represent the five elements.
Thumbs represents Fire.
Index fingers represents Air.
Middle fingers Aakash.
Ring fingers Earth and
Little fingers Water.

The imbalances in the variable elements in our body disrupt the immunity system causing diseases which in turn weaken our body and mind.Mudra regulates the functions of all the systems and glands.
Today I am going to share two of the mudras.
Gently touch the tips of the index finger and the thumb stretching out the other three fingers.
Stimulates root chakra.
Balances fire and air elements in the body.
Helps to develop intellect and spiritual enlightenment.
Helps calming down.

Gently touch the tips of the middle finger and the thumb stretching out the other three fingers.
Stimulates throat chakra.
Helps the soul connected to the supreme soul.
Increases the space within.
Cures migraine and ear ailments.
Leads to positive thoughts.
Hold mudras in a comfortable seated pose.
Do it for 20 minutes.
Focus on the tips of the mudra fingers, visualise the benefits.
Consistent practice is the key to success.
Continue for a month and enjoy the benefits and positive changes in the body and mind.

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Chair Yoga for Seniors, last segment in the series, Meditation

#covid19#lockdown#stayhomestayhealthy# Chair Yoga for Seniors, last segment in the series on the 16th day, Meditation ❤️
Chair yoga meditation 
Meditation is being kind to self. 
Meditation is to focus the mind.
Meditation is to bring attention inward.
1. Develops concentration.
2.Activate chakras.
3.Helps getting deep into the energy.
4.Brings peace and  calms the mind.
5.Takes to a higher level of consciousness.
Nose tip gazing meditation (Nasikagra drishti)
A great way of meditation for beginners. A powerful practice to concentrate. It connects with Root chakra and stimulates Kundalini.
Sit tall, relax the shoulders, palms on the lap and feet flat on the ground. Don’t force to get fit into a pose. Always try the pose to fit your body. Consistent practice helps you to achieve the goal. That’s the healthy yoga practice. 
Tip for beginners 
To focus on the nose on the nose tip, lift your right hand with index finger pointing up straight in front of your nose. Gaze at the finger tip, bring towards the nose, once you touch the nose, gaze the nose tip and take away your hand to the lap. To balance both the sides repeat with your left hand too. 
Close your eyes 9/10 and gaze the nose tip with 1/10th part of open eyes. If you feel strained you are free to close your eyes and bring your mind focusing on the nose tip.
Hold the Buddha mudra, one palm on the top of the other and the thumbs pointing up with tips touching together. It symbolises being humble, to be grateful and ready to receive.
Clear your mind, forget everything what to do next where to go next like that. Take a few normal breaths and relax . Now getting into meditative steps of breathing and visualising.
1. Inhale pure air fill in and exhale the impurities.
2. Inhale calmness fill in and exhale the stress.
3.Inhale good thoughts and exhale the unwanted thoughts.
4. Inhale the life energy and exhale the trashes.
5. Inhale consciousness and exhale the Ego.
You are free to choose the steps single or multiple based on your personal needs. Repeat each step for three times.
Close your eyes, mind focus on nose tip and enter into the second part of the meditation bring your hands up to the chest and hold Anjali mudra. Anjali mudra is the prayer pose. 
Anjali mudra symbolises the we feeling, ready to accept and serve the universe. 
Say to self ‘ I am calm, I am filled with goodness, I am filled with Divine energy, I am related with the higher consciousness. I am connected with the Higher Consciousness! 
Rub both your palms strongly, feel the warmth on the face, open your eyes slowly with gratitude for the opportunity for meditation and for being kind to yourself.
Thank you friends 🙏
Breathing, exercises, asanas, reflexology, relaxation and meditation is covered in this chair yoga series. Make it a practice daily to combine your favourite poses and do a complete yoga for 30 minutes to live a healthy and quality life in our senior phase.
Once again thank you one and all 🙏 Taking a break. Shall be back with another practice. Take care, Bye 👋

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Chair Yoga for Seniors, Chair Savasana Relaxation

#covid19#lockdown#stayhomestayhealthy# Chair Yoga for Seniors, Chair Savasana Relaxation 
It is best to start the relaxation with the guidance from a Yoga Guru. This helps more awareness focussing mind on the flow. 
1.Relaxes the body.
2.Improves blood circulation.
3.Controls emotion.
4. Positive energy flows.
5.Calms the mind.
6. Creates a sense of bliss and harmony.
Switch of your phone. If possible put dim lights and play gentle yoga music. 
Sit up tall, back straight and supported with your chair back. Hands resting on the knees or lap. Let the shoulders fall down. Place your feet flat on the ground and feel comfortable. Take a few normal breaths and relax. Start relaxation. Breathe in, visualise pure air entering filling each and every cells, pushing out the impure air and toxins. Breathe out and visualise the toxins within is fully exhaled. Repeat for two more breaths. With each breath feel calm, sink into your own world. In this state start relaxing from the feet. Say yourself, ‘heat circulation, air circulation, blood circulation and energy circulation are all normal in the feet. I am feeling sufficient strength in my feet. Now my feet is relaxed.’
Like wise relax ankles, legs, knees, thighs, hip region, abdominal region, chest region, shoulders, hands, neck, head and face. 
Now the whole body is relaxed from the toes to the forehead. Enjoy the relaxed state. Experience the relaxed state within. It’s time to come out from relaxation. Strongly rub your palms, feel the warmth on your face, slowly open the eyes with gratitude, bring the hands crossed from the shoulders to the knees. 
Chair Savasana relaxation can be done before starting yoga or after the workout and even when you are free to relax. 
A committed and regular practice surely results in your physical and mental wellness ❤️

Sunday, May 17, 2020

Chair Yoga for Seniors, Self Head Massage

#covi19#lockdown#stayhomestayhealthy# Chair Yoga for Seniors, Self head massage ❤️
Head massage is a yoga warm up good exercises to do before relaxation.
Let’s use the magical power of our fingers to relieve the pain and stress in our body and mind.
1.Stimulates lymphatic system.
2.Strengthens optic nerve.
3.Massages the corresponding internal organs.
4.Calms the central nervous system.
5.Improves blood circulation and brain function.
6.Relieves neck and shoulder stiffness.
7.Relieves pain of headaches and migraines.
8.Stimulates ear nerve endings.
9.Produces endorphins and eliminates the toxins in the body.
10.Enhances the immunity.
Sit tall and comfortably on a sturdy chair. Take a few normal breaths and relax.
1. Run both your hands down from the forehead and reverse. Then through sides and up.
2.Bring the fingers on top of the head and give gentle tapping. From up to back, back to up. Also rub the whole scalp with circular motions using the fingers.
3.With the pinky fingers press the nose.
4.With the index and middle fingers from the top of the nose bridge and up above the eyebrows walk out to the temples.
5. With the thumbs give gentle circular motions on the temples.
6. With the index and middle fingers apply pressure in front and back of the ears. Press the jaws , throat and front neck with the thumbs.
7. Press the ear endings with the fingers up and down. Pull and push the earlobes gently.
8. Bring the fingers on the base of the head, apply gentle pressure, walk down to the shoulders and walk out to the end, cross the arms, press the shoulders in and at the mid point up to the base of the head.
Repeat this individually or as a whole for three times.
Feel the relief in the body and mind. A quick way to heal self using the inner power within.
Thank you friends 🙏

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Chair Yoga for Seniors Foot Reflexology

#covid19#lockdown#stayhomestayhealthy# Chair Yoga for Seniors 
Foot Reflexology steps ❤️
Foot reflexology is great for overall health and wellness. 
Oxygenates the cells.
Improves blood circulation.
Strengthens the muscles.
Relieves body ache and pain.
Lowers blood pressure.
Reduces stress.
Lifts the mood.
Before starting the self therapy refer the reflexology chart for the feet and find out the reflex points of the corresponding body organs . For example lung point, heart point like that. Reflexology applies gentle pressure to the reflex points. The pressure sends energy to the corresponding area in your body . It brings relaxation and healing to the area. If you feel ticklish, hardness or pain in any point, concentrate on the reflex point, visualising the related part in your body, apply gentle pressure in a circular motion for about 30-45 seconds. It helps calming the central nervous system promoting relaxation. Take care not to press with your nail tips. 
Sit tall on a sturdy chair. Take a few normal breaths and relax. Lift your right leg, place the ankle on the right knee. Start massaging from your toes. Massage the whole foot sole, then the sides, top and bottom. 
Lift the leg a little with your right hand and massage the ankles in circles clockwise, anticlockwise and clockwise on both the sides. Interlock the toes with your fingers and rotate clockwise, anticlockwise and clockwise. 
Place the leg back on the knee and start massaging the leg on both sides with your hands . At the knee massage the knee with with circular motion, clockwise, anticlockwise and clockwise. Massaging up to hip joint. Return back by massaging to the foot. Return back and repeat on the other leg.
Foot reflexology is so easy and can do mindfully at any time when you are sitting free. 
While watching television or chatting with a friend you can simply and casually massage your feet. Experience the soothing and  relaxing effects in your body and mind ❤️ For better sleep is good to soak your feet in lukewarm water with salt and lemon juice for 15-20 minutes after dinner. 
Practice yoga daily for better results.