Tuesday, May 5, 2020

#covid19#lockdown#Stay home healthy and happy# Chair yoga improves senior health❤️

Breathing holding Buddha mudra 
Breathing holding Chin mudra 

Chair yoga is safe for seniors to do. Yoga is the best way for seniors to stay healthy happy and in harmony. Chair yoga helps to do yoga while sitting. Breathing exercises capacitates the lungs. It improves flexibility, reduces pain and anxiety and helps to get sound sleep. It can also increase muscle strength, balances the body and improves the mood. It is the effective way to keep the body and mind in good health and be in a blissful state.
Chair Yoga breathing 
Yoga is a mind body practice. Breathing oxygenate the cells and relaxes the mind.
If you are under medication consult with your doctor before starting yoga.
Select a quiet place or a room. Find  a sturdy and comfortable chair. Play music that calms you down.  Sit comfortably with back straight. Hold your favourite mudra. You are free to open or close your eyes. Concentrate on the gentle breathing. Concentrate on the inhale and exhale. Try to increase the time of inhale and exhale. Experience the goodness of breathing in your body and mind. If it is hard for you, then challenge yourself counting to 3 or 5 and again as you exhale breathe equally. 
Chin mudra 
The thumb and index finger to touch together gently  stretching out the other three fingers. 
Chin means consciousness. Mudra means a seal an energetic and spiritual gesture. Mudras controls the flow of energy within the body. Chin mudra is one of the commonly used in breathing and meditation.
Lifts from negative energy into the present state. 
Improves concentration and memory power.
Helps connect to the inner self.
Increases the energy.
Alleviates pain,
Improves sleep pattern.
Buddha mudra 
Place the right palm up on your lap, place your left palm on top of the right palm. Let the thumbs touch together gently  in a verticle circle. Sit tall with spine straight. 
Helps to ground and balance.
Calms down easily.
Helps feel the wholeness.

Seated mountain pose breathing
Sit comfortably with feet flat on the ground. Gaze straight ahead. Relax the whole upper body. Take a couple of breaths to settle down.
Sit tall with back straight. Breathe in slowly. Raise your hands through the sides close to the ears. Join your palms up above the crown centre to form Namaskar mudra. Hold for 5 seconds. Breathe outdoors slowly and back to the original position. Do it for a couple of times. Feel the stretching.
Expand the ribs.
Stretches and strengthens the muscles of your hands, shoulders, chest and upper body.
Lengthens the spine.
Moves energy through the body.

Seated mountain pose
Gentle stretching
This pose is a variation of seated mountain pose. All the variations having several benefits.
Sit tall with spine straight.
Raise your hands through the sides up, join the palms to Namaskar mudra just above the crown centre.
Focus on the breath. Relax yourself. Maintain the breathing for 10 seconds and slowly come back. Repeat for a couple of times.
Stretch the hands, shoulders and upper body.
Strengthen the ribs, abdominal muscles and hips.
Alleviate back and shoulder pain.
Improves spine alignment.
Namaskar mudra

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