Friday, May 15, 2020

Chair Yoga for Seniors, Lion Pose and Tongue Strengthening Exercises(TSE)

#covid19#Lockdown#Staysafestayhealthy# Chair Yoga for Seniors, Lion Pose and Tongue
Strengthening Excercises (TSE)
We all are born with healing powers.  Lion Pose and TSE help to tap into the miraculous Power house of healing within us.
Lion Pose strengthens lungs, throat and vocal cords.
Sit tall, place hands on your knees. Inhale deeply,  bend a little forward and exhale through your mouth. Make a roaring sound and spread your fingers like claws. Inhale sit tall, exhale back to original position.
Tongue is attached by connective tissues to the skull, spine and chest. Tongue is the best tool to shape our brain. Tongue is the bridge between conscious and unconscious. It is the direct pathway to stimulate the brain.
1. Stimulates the brain.
2. Mobilises the spine.
3. Massages the internal organs.
4. Increases heart rate variability.
5. Good for thyroid and parathyroid glands.
6. Strengthens facial muscles, neck, lungs, throat , jaws, gums, lips and vocal cords.
7. Enhances immunity.
8. Increases memory power.
Please consult your doctor if any pain or discomfort while doing the exercises. Do the poses for 5-10 seconds.
Sit tall and breathe normally.
1. Pull out your tongue.
2. Bring the tongue downward.
3. Take the tongue upward.
4. For a variation tilt your head up and touch your upper lip with your tongue.
5. Bring tongue to the right.
6. Bring to the left.
7. Rotate the tongue clockwise, anticlockwise and clockwise.
8. Massage your gums with your tongue, clockwise, anticlockwise and clockwise.
9. Curl up your tongue to the throat as far as possible.
Repeat the exercises for 3 to 5 times.
Move your eyes along with the tongue and you can exercise your eyes too. Make the practice ‘two in one’.
Consistent practice is the key to success. Thank you 🙏

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