Saturday, January 21, 2017

Meditation beyond Crown centre

Awakening of crown centre enables us to understand our connection with divinity with a sense of separation from the material world. At this stage the paths to the centres of the higher awareness are becoming more accessible concentrating on 8th to 12th centres which exist in aakash/space. 8th centre, one foot top from the crown, is ‘Thuvasangam’. This enables one to become complete selfless, the 9th centre is above, the full moon centre, a centre of collective wisdom, the 10th centre is further up above in a straight line from moon centre, the sun centre, a divine union between ‘Shiva and Shakthi’, continued to the 11th centre where is the advanced yogic powers to transient the laws of this world and the 12th centre is the home where one is able to join with the ‘Cosmos’.

Ideal time to do this meditation is before sunrise. Perform this meditation in the presence of a Guru. Basic levels of meditations should be acquired before meditating beyond crown centre. This meditation helps the mind to operate at Delta level of frequencies and gains control over the mind; enabling one to merge with the Cosmos. Sit in a quiet place in sukhasana comfortably with back erect. Take a few deep breaths and feel relaxed. Place your palms facing up on your knees. Imagine the divine energy around us purifies the surroundings and descends upon us. Star meditating on the eye brow centre for five minutes. Then focus on the crown centre and meditate for five minutes. Imagine the crown centre is opening and your life force is raised one foot above reaching the 9th centre. Meditate for two minutes on ‘thuvasangam’ imagining being selfless. Focus straight up to the 10th centre, the full moon. Meditate on full moon for two minutes on the collective wisdom. Further imagine going straight up to the 11th centre, the sun, the universal energy field, the divine centre between Shiva and Shakthi. Meditate for two minutes feeling the free soul. Imagine further moving up to the 12th centre, the Shiva centre, in the aakash/space, the home from where we came and meditate for two minutes visualizing as a part of the Almighty. Be blessed by the Divine bliss. To conclude meditation slowly comes down step by step through all the centres meditating one minute in each centre. At the crown centre imagine that you are back in your physical body. Spread the meditated energy throughout the body, mind and soul. Feel gratitude to the Cosmos enabling to complete the meditation. Rub your palms strongly and feel the warmth on your eyes, slowly open your eyes and feel the warmth of your palms all over the body.

May the whole universe enjoy harmony and serenity! Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti!!!

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