Friday, January 20, 2017

Significance of the Seven centres (chakras)

The Sanskrit word chakra is literally wheel. Chakra is the energy centre in the body. Chakras are part of the subtle body and are meeting points of nadis, the subtle energy channels. The life force or valid energy moves through the nadi. Even though it is believed that there are many chakras in the subtle human body there are seven main chakras in our body. The main chakras are located vertically along the central channel, sushmna nadi (spinal cord). Chakras are the energy pools which govern our emotions. This invisible energy, ‘Prana’, keeps us alive and healthy. Each chakra has its own responsibility and vibration frequency that governs organal function to the immune system. Since life force needs movement it is essential that the seven chakras should be aligned and opened. The blockage in the chakras leads to physical and mental illness lacking the inner peace. Out of the seven chakras three are located in the lower body which govern personality and the rest four in the upper body which govern the mental attitude.

Root chakra is the first one, Mooladhara in Sanskrit, located at the base of the spinal cord. The energy is based on the earth element and is associated with the security feeling in the entire life. Sacral chakra is the second one, Swadhistana in Sanskrit, located about 3-4 inches below the belly button. The energy is based on the water element and so related to our emotions and with the sense of belongingness and well being. Solar Plexus chakra is the third one and is known as Manipura in Sanskrit. It is located 3-4 inches above the belly button and is based on the element fire. This chakra is associated with personal will power, happiness and self-esteem. Heart chakra known as Anahata in Sanskrit is located in the centre of the chest region and is based on the element air. This chakra is associated with love and compassion. Throat chakra known as Vishuddhi in Sanskrit is located in the centre at the base of the neck and is based on the element ether or space the pure medium through which sound travels. It controls the communication and expression. Third eye chakra, the sixth chakra, known as Ajna in Sanskrit is located in between the eyebrows of the forehead. Women wear bindi on the point to remind the power of intuition and foresight. This chakra is associated with the ‘Supreme Power’. Crown chakra is the top most chakra known as Sahasrara in Sanskrit. It is located on the top of the head and associated with brain and nervous system. This chakra drives us to higher state of consciousness and visions enabling us to be in touch with the universe. Meditate on the qualities of the chakras to balance them. Chakras are the portals to a deeper inward realisation of self. Mindfulness is the essential key to meditate effectively on balancing the chakras.


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