Friday, January 20, 2017

Meditation on Ajna Chakra

Ajna chakra is the eye brow chakra. As the name indicates Ajna chakra is located in between the eyebrows just above the brow lines. This chakra is related with the element ‘Supreme’ means oneness of all the other elements, which is light. It represents wisdom, perception, imagination and visualization. Ajna chakra controls the eyes, nose, pituitary gland, pineal gland and the base of the skull.

Sit comfortably with your back erect. Take a few deep breaths and feel relaxed, Place your hands on your knees holding on prana mudra. Prana mudra is done by touching the tips of the thumb, ring finger and index finger of the respective hands. Close the eyes. Breathe normally. Visualize an indigo wheel starts spinning on the ajna chakra. Imagine the indigo rays spread in your head and face cleansing and purifying all the parts related with the chakra. Visualize the indigo light rays showering down through the spinal cord and spreading throughout the body. Continue meditation concentrating on ajna chakra. Imagine the air breathing in brings in wisdom and blows out ignorance while breathing out. Continue the meditation for 15 more minutes. Experience the consciousness and creative intelligence within. Enjoy the elevated level of self. Bring your awareness back to the physical state. Thank the Supreme power enabling you to enjoy and experience the meditation. Rub your palms strongly till you feel the warmth. Touch on ajna chakra to spread the warmth and then to the whole body. Slowly open your eyes and conclude the meditation.


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