Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Meditation on a Point


Focusing on a point enables to concentrate on a single object/single task/single thought excluding all the distractions of everything else from outside and from within. Mind can be still and by developing concentration helps one to be more efficient to take charge of one’s own life. Concentration improves memory, makes more creative and helps in focussing on a goal. It also makes the mind to be more conscious to engage in positive thoughts gaining mental mastery to attain peace of mind. Meditating on a point should be practised with positive attitude and joy to get the best results such as inner strength and happiness, stronger will power, creative visualization and successful meditation.

Hang the picture of your favourite holy symbol such as lotus, Om, swastika, mandala, hamsa or whatever you like and prefer about 2-3 ft away from your eyes where you sit for meditation. Sit comfortably in sukhasana on a mat with back straight in a relaxed mood holding ‘Anjali mudra’. Anjali mudra is the Namaste posture performed by pressing the palms gently together in front of your chest. Focus on the symbol in the picture and start meditation. Breathe normally. Think about the significance of the holy image and spread the importance of the message within consciously. If you feel any strain in your eyes blink 3-5 times and continue meditation. Again if any stress in your eyes, feel free to close your eyes for a few seconds and open it to focus on the symbol. Continue meditation for 10 to 20 minutes. While concluding pay gratitude to the Supreme Power for the skill you attain in making your mind calm, still and sharp.




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