Saturday, July 18, 2020

Mindful breathing (Pranayama)

Pranayama is the regulation of breath.
Breathing is the soul of yoga practice.
‘Prana’ means energy and ‘ yama’ means control.
Pranayama reduces stress.
Improves health and wellness.
Brings calmness.
Provides mental clarity.
Body and mind gets lighter.
Sit tall. Can sit on the ground cross legged or on hero pose. If not able to sit down, then sit on a chair. 
Hold chin mudra. Chin mudra is by joining the tips of the the index fingers and thumbs. Place the hands on the thighs. 
1. Start breathing normally. Just be an observer.
Which is faster? which is longer ? 
Continue breathing for 2-5 minutes.
Slowly the consciousness in breathing helps to regulate the time of inhale and exhale.
2. Breathing based on counts 
Sit tall and start breathing for counts.
Inhale for a count of 5.
Exhale for a count of 5. 
Likewise you can increase the counts and regulate your breathing.
3. Breathing positivity 
Sit tall, take a few normal breaths.
Inhale love and exhale acceptance.
Inhale kindness and exhale compassion.
Inhale bliss and exhale peace.
Daily go for a 5 minute Pranayama.
Care should be taken for 
Long, steady and deep breathe in &
Slow, steady and long breathe out.

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