Saturday, January 21, 2017

Meditation beyond Crown centre

Awakening of crown centre enables us to understand our connection with divinity with a sense of separation from the material world. At this stage the paths to the centres of the higher awareness are becoming more accessible concentrating on 8th to 12th centres which exist in aakash/space. 8th centre, one foot top from the crown, is ‘Thuvasangam’. This enables one to become complete selfless, the 9th centre is above, the full moon centre, a centre of collective wisdom, the 10th centre is further up above in a straight line from moon centre, the sun centre, a divine union between ‘Shiva and Shakthi’, continued to the 11th centre where is the advanced yogic powers to transient the laws of this world and the 12th centre is the home where one is able to join with the ‘Cosmos’.

Ideal time to do this meditation is before sunrise. Perform this meditation in the presence of a Guru. Basic levels of meditations should be acquired before meditating beyond crown centre. This meditation helps the mind to operate at Delta level of frequencies and gains control over the mind; enabling one to merge with the Cosmos. Sit in a quiet place in sukhasana comfortably with back erect. Take a few deep breaths and feel relaxed. Place your palms facing up on your knees. Imagine the divine energy around us purifies the surroundings and descends upon us. Star meditating on the eye brow centre for five minutes. Then focus on the crown centre and meditate for five minutes. Imagine the crown centre is opening and your life force is raised one foot above reaching the 9th centre. Meditate for two minutes on ‘thuvasangam’ imagining being selfless. Focus straight up to the 10th centre, the full moon. Meditate on full moon for two minutes on the collective wisdom. Further imagine going straight up to the 11th centre, the sun, the universal energy field, the divine centre between Shiva and Shakthi. Meditate for two minutes feeling the free soul. Imagine further moving up to the 12th centre, the Shiva centre, in the aakash/space, the home from where we came and meditate for two minutes visualizing as a part of the Almighty. Be blessed by the Divine bliss. To conclude meditation slowly comes down step by step through all the centres meditating one minute in each centre. At the crown centre imagine that you are back in your physical body. Spread the meditated energy throughout the body, mind and soul. Feel gratitude to the Cosmos enabling to complete the meditation. Rub your palms strongly and feel the warmth on your eyes, slowly open your eyes and feel the warmth of your palms all over the body.

May the whole universe enjoy harmony and serenity! Om Shanti, Shanti, Shanti!!!

Blissful Meditation

The qualities one urges are strength, purity, happiness, love, peace, wisdom and bliss. Our seven life centres are the pools of these qualities. But in the fast and advanced life stress makes one sad and unhappy. Even in this busy life let us enjoy a quality life by meditating on the seven centres attaining bliss and contemplation in this life.

Sit comfortably in sukhasana posture with your spine straight. Take a few deep breaths and feel relaxed. Place your hands on your knees with palms facing up. Close your eyes. Meditate on each centre for two minutes each. Meditate on root centre and visualize that you are strengthened. Meditate on sacral centre and visualize that you are purified. Meditate on solar plexus centre and visualize that you are so happy. Meditate on the heart centre and visualize that your heart is full of love for self and others. Meditate on throat centre and visualize that you are peaceful. Meditate on eye brow centre and visualize you are becoming wise. Meditate on crown centre and visualize that you are experiencing and enjoying bliss.  Continue meditation on crown centre for 10 more minutes. Feel bliss is entering on every inhale. Feel you are spreading the bliss in each and every cell, mind and soul. Now spread the meditated energy throughout the body, mind and soul. Experience the eternal bliss within you. Now bring back awareness to your physical state. With gratitude to the universal energy pray for the prosperity, happiness and harmony of the whole universe. Strongly rub your palms; feel the warmth in your eyes. Open your eyes. Spread the warmth in your palms to the whole body. Conclude by chanting, Om Shanti! Shanti!! Shanti!!!


Aura Meditation

Aura is the electromagnetic field of energy surrounding the body. Aura forms one’s personal energy space. Aura cleansing is very important to live healthy and happy. Every living organism has an aura. Aura is the subtle energy which surrounds the physical body. Meditating an aura enables one to get protected from negative energy and open up to receive the abundant blessings from the divine source of energy.

Daily practice of aura meditation is very essential to harvest the complete benefits of a cleansed aura. Best time to meditate on your aura is before bed and every morning when you wake up. Your aura is an oval energy field extending about two feet around you. Periodical cleansing of aura through meditation is a vital part to strengthen your life.

Sit comfortably on a quiet place with your back erect. Take a few deep breaths and feel relaxed. Close your eyes and focus on inward to balance the chakras. Focus on root chakra for two minutes and feel you are anchoring to the earth. Likewise focus on all the chakras two minutes each. Focus on sacral chakra to assure purity, on solar plexus to enjoy happiness, on heart chakra to be lovable, on throat chakra to experience peace, on eye brow chakra to attain wisdom and crown chakra to attain bliss. Now feel the meditated energy flowing out from the crown and the root chakras along with the universal energy strongly vibrating around you forming an oval shape aura and strengthening it around your whole body from all the sides about two ft around. Continue meditation for five more minutes on the protective shield making you more and more strong, feeling peace and serene in body, mind and soul. Meditation on aura helps one to energise their spiritual source of energy and build up the protective shield to drive away all the negativity that surrounds outside your aura.


Astral Travel Meditation

Astral travel makes us more aware and alive. Inner calmness is developed with deeper sense of inner peace and increased spirituality. Astral travel reveals that our existence continues beyond our physical being. We can go beyond the skies, planets and ocean or where ever we wish. We can use our own energies to heal ourselves and other living beings.

Lie in a supine position on a mat with feet apart and hands 45 degree away from your body. Relax your whole body from the toes to the forehead. Start relaxation from the legs giving auto suggestion,’ Blood circulation, heat circulation, air circulation and energy circulation are all regular in my legs. I am feeling sufficient strength in my legs. I have given rest to my legs. Now my legs are relaxed.’ Likewise give autosuggestions and relax the body parts knees, thighs, hip region, abdomen and stomach, chest region, shoulders and hands, neck, face and head one by one. Give autosuggestion, ‘from my toes to forehead I am relaxing. I am enjoying a total calmness. I am calm and serene. Now I am doing astral travel’.

Raise your astral body 6 feet high from your physical body; see your physical body lying on a mat and travel up towards the sky. See the moon, stars and the entire celestial bodies. The celestial bodies are showering on you abundant blessings and energy. Receive their blessing power and energy and become energised. Then slowly come down and go to your favourite holy place. Take three rounds around and enter inside and experience the divine energy. The divine energy is showering blessings and strength on you. Receive them and become powerful. Slowly come out of the holy place and go to your home. Your family members are in the prayer room join with them and pray for them. Then come out from home and go to your ever favourite nature’s spot. Enjoy the nice panorama, the fragrance of the flowers and the feel of the cool breeze. Then slowly come back to your meditation room, see your physical body lying down, enter into your physical body. Slowly start shaking your legs, knees, thighs, hip region and one by one up to the head. Rub your palms strongly, feel the warmth on your eyes, slowly open your eyes, spread the warmth all over the body. Chant Om Shanti! Shanti!! Shanti!!! Slowly roll to your right and get up.


Friday, January 20, 2017

Five Elements Meditation

Meditating on five elements known as Panchabhootas in Sanskrit enables to connect with the universe. Earth, Air, Fire, Water and Aakash are the five elements. These elements are the soul of natural existence. The same five elements exist in us and in all living organisms. Earth represents the solid matter in the universe and it gives form to the body. Air is the wind that is movable, changeable and dynamic. Air within us is the breath, motion and circulations. Fire is sun in nature. It is hot, powerful and transformative. Within us it is the body heat. Water covers two third of the surface of our planet. It is smooth, cool and flowing. On winter it can be solid. It represents as blood and fluids in our body. Aakash or ether is empty and expansive. It is responsible for the formation of all the elements and functions as our life energy.

Sit comfortably on a mat with your back erect. Take a few deep breaths and feel relaxed. Keep your palms facing downward on your knees. Close your eyes. Imagine mother earth is stable, solid and grounding. Visualize our body like a rock, stable, strong and unshakable. Meditate on mother earth representing as our body for five minutes. Imagine the water element; it is free flowing to support the earth. Visualize the blood and fluid circulation in the body is purified and balanced. Meditate on the water element for five minutes. Imagine the fire element. Fire is hot and bright, Fire makes our body active and energetic. Think of fire element and meditate for five minutes. Imagine the air element. Think about the wind outside is balanced and cool. Visualize the air we breathe in is sufficient enough to purify and strengthen our respiratory system and regulating the air circulation within. Meditate on air element for five minutes. Imagine the aakash element which is the area where all the other elements are formed. It is vast without boundaries. Feel the limitless space, our mind and meditate on aakash for five minutes. Imagine the magnetic force of the five elements earth, water, fire, air and aakash be beneficial to us. Let the magnetic force merge with our life force and be beneficial to us to regulate blood circulation, heat circulation, air circulation and energy circulation in our body, mind and soul. Meditate on the feel for five more minutes and conclude meditation feeling gratitude to the five elements of the universe which represents our body, mind and soul. Experience the oneness with the universe. By saying ‘May the whole universe enjoy prosperity, happiness and peace.’ Open your eyes and conclude the meditation.


Insight Meditation

One could experience full sphere of meditation when the mind is thought free. Mind is a garden of thoughts such as thoughts of happiness, ambitions, doubts, jealous, worries and many more. Thoughts are the weeds of worries. Thoughts are desires and desires keep one restless. Insight meditation helps one accepting the thoughts, recognizing the thoughts and let them vanish. When the thoughts and desires are gone then you can experience the purity and lightness in your mind. This also increases the energy level of your body enabling to experience inner peace and to realise your infinite potential.

Sit comfortably in a relaxed mood. Place your palms on your lap facing upward. Close your eyes. Breathe normally. Imagine a clear white board in your mind and focus on the whiteness. When thoughts come into your mind, read it on the white board, imagine wiping it out and clearing the board. Repeat the process each time when a thought, feeling or impression comes into your mind. Wiping and cleaning the board helps you to return to the mental image of pure white. Continue meditation until you make sure the board is completely clean and your mind is calm and serene. At this moment, slowly bring your attention back to your normal state. Feel gratitude to the Almighty for enabling you reach a state of thought free. Strongly rub your palms, feel the warmth on your heart, then on the eyes and spread to the whole body. Slowly open your eyes, feel refreshed and relaxed. This meditation can be practised from ten minutes to one hour based on one’s need.


Meditating on a Flame

The technique on meditating on a flame of a lamp is simple and easy for beginners. It enables one to let go off thoughts when concentrating on the flame. Flame is fire and fire is the third element of the panchabhoothas. It lights up the inner soul and lead to the path of deep meditation between self and the universe. I prefer gingelly oil with wick in lamps. Lamp/light/flame meditation helps to increase the bio magnetic energy in the body. Meditating on a flame warms up and enhances the wellness. This meditation is to be done before sunrise. Select a quiet place at home. Light the wick and assure a bright and steady flame. Sit about three feet away from the flame in a cross legged posture with spine straight. Place your hands on your lap with right palm on your left palm touching the tips of the thumbs together. Close your eyes. Take three deep breaths. Feel relaxed.
Chant the mantra ‘Asatoma Satgamaya, Tama soma Jyothirgamaya, Mrithyoma Amritham gamaya, Om Shanti! Shanti!! Shanti!!! Open your eyes and gaze the flame for one or two minute. Close your eyes and imagine the flame of the light in your mind. Open your eyes, meditate on the flame for a longer time.  Close your eyes bring the light of the flame into your heart illuminating the path of the life centres. Open your eyes and meditate on the flame for a little longer time. Close your eyes and imagine the brightness of the flame has spread your whole body, mind and soul removing the falsehood within, removing the darkness within and the bondages within. Now experience the lightness in your body and mind. Feel your body, mind and soul are illuminated with pure white light glowing and energising the sense organs. A total of 15 to 30 is worth for flame meditation. Feel yourself purified by the rays of light and experience oneness of self and higher self. Pay gratitude to the ‘Supreme Power’ and conclude by chanting Om Shanti! Shanti!! Shanti!!!

Meditation on Thoughts

Meditation is the gateway to control our thoughts. This meditation is an excellent technique for beginners. The thoughts that pass through your mind are responsible for your life. The more you nurture your thoughts the more it comes true in life. It is very important to pay attention to the thoughts in your mind. Give space to positive thoughts and kick out the negative thoughts to let go bad qualities and penetrate good qualities in your mind. Then you can feel that your mind is clear like a shining crystal.

Sit down comfortably with your spine straight. Place your hands on your lap with your right palm on your left palm touching at the tips of the thumbs. Close your eyes. Breathe deeply from your belly; allow the tension in your body escape while breathing out. Feel relaxed. Breathe normally. Imagine that negative thoughts in your mind are pushed out in each exhale. Continue meditating on your mind and throwing out each and every negative thoughts, one by one, that are coming up. Continue this meditation till you feel satisfied of getting rid of unwanted thoughts in you. Now experience the measure of positive thoughts in your mind that drives you to be an optimistic. If any negative thoughts still remaining further, kick them out while exhaling. Feel that how cool you are? Feel the positivity in you and know that the nice thoughts are well fixed. Continue this meditation for a few more days for better results. You can easily ignore negative thinking by practising this meditation with mindfulness.


Meditation on Sahasrara chakra

Sahasrara chakra is the crown centre. It is located on the top of the head and is regarded as the portal to the energy of the universe itself. Sahasrara chakra is associated with wisdom and spirituality. It also represents the connection to the divine in all its forms as well as the reality that all is energy and there is no form.

Sit comfortably with back erect in gyan mudra placing your hands on your knees with palms facing up. Gyan mudra is done by touching the tips of the thumb and the index finger of the respective hands. Feel relaxed. Close the eyes. Breathe normally. Concentrate on the sahasrara chakra and start meditation. Imagine the wheel at the centre starts to spin and opening up the chakra. Visualize a beam of divine light violet in colour flows down into sahasrara chakra covering the crown completely emanating the violet rays down and embracing the brain and the head cleansing the chakra. Imagine the beam of light further showers through the lower chakras spreading the whole body cleansing and purifying each and every cell in the body. Now experience the violet rays as a protective shield around your body. Continue meditation for fifteen minutes. Experience the warm glow and enjoy the consciousness getting illuminated. Feel the state of oneness and be grateful to the Almighty for the wonderful and blissful meditation. Be aware of your physical state, rub your palms strongly. Feel the warmth in your sahasrara chakra, then spread to the whole body. Slowly open your eyes. Pray for the whole universe. May the whole universe enjoy prosperity, happiness and peace. Repeat this three times. Then chant...Om Shanti! Shanti!! Shanti!!!




Meditation on Ajna Chakra

Ajna chakra is the eye brow chakra. As the name indicates Ajna chakra is located in between the eyebrows just above the brow lines. This chakra is related with the element ‘Supreme’ means oneness of all the other elements, which is light. It represents wisdom, perception, imagination and visualization. Ajna chakra controls the eyes, nose, pituitary gland, pineal gland and the base of the skull.

Sit comfortably with your back erect. Take a few deep breaths and feel relaxed, Place your hands on your knees holding on prana mudra. Prana mudra is done by touching the tips of the thumb, ring finger and index finger of the respective hands. Close the eyes. Breathe normally. Visualize an indigo wheel starts spinning on the ajna chakra. Imagine the indigo rays spread in your head and face cleansing and purifying all the parts related with the chakra. Visualize the indigo light rays showering down through the spinal cord and spreading throughout the body. Continue meditation concentrating on ajna chakra. Imagine the air breathing in brings in wisdom and blows out ignorance while breathing out. Continue the meditation for 15 more minutes. Experience the consciousness and creative intelligence within. Enjoy the elevated level of self. Bring your awareness back to the physical state. Thank the Supreme power enabling you to enjoy and experience the meditation. Rub your palms strongly till you feel the warmth. Touch on ajna chakra to spread the warmth and then to the whole body. Slowly open your eyes and conclude the meditation.


Meditation on Vishuddhi Chakra

Vishuddhi chakra or throat chakra is located in the centre of the throat at the base of the neck. This chakra is associated with the element ether or Aakash. It associates with communication, truth, purity and peace. Throat chakra controls mouth, tongue, throat, ears, neck and upper chest region. A well balanced vishuddhi chakra enables one to communicate well in speech and silence with great inner peace.
Sit comfortably with back erect in a relaxed mood. Hold your hands on Gyan mudra and place them on your knees. Gyan mudra is done by touching the tips of the thumb and the index finger. Close your eyes. Breathe normally. Focus on vishuddhi chakra. Imagine the chakra wheel starts spinning and emanating blue rays. The blue rays starts radiating and embracing the neck, mouth, ears and the upper chest region cleansing and balancing. Experience the divine energy spreading from the vishuddhi chakra is now radiating and embracing the whole body filling each and every cell with blue light of peace. Experience your confidence to communicate is building up. Concentrate on breathing. Imagine each inhale brings in peace and each exhale blows out the toxins of restlessness making your more truthful, honest and peaceful. The chakra is getting cleansed and purified. Continue meditation for 15 more minutes until you feel you are completely honest, pure and peaceful. Feel gratitude to the element ether. Bring back your awareness to the physical state. Rub your palms strongly, feel the warmth on vishuddhi chakra the spread to the whole body. Chant Om Shanti! Shanti!! Shan!!! Open your eyes and conclude meditation.

Meditation on Anahata Chakra

Anahata chakra is the heart chakra. It is located in the centre of the chest and is the middle chakra with three lower and three higher chakras. Anahata chakra is associated with air element. It represents love, kindness and compassion. One with well balanced energy in Anahata chakra enjoys love, happiness and inner peace.

 Sit comfortably with your back straight. Hold your hands in Vayu mudra and place your hands on the knees with palms facing up. Vayu mudra is done by bending the index finger on the base of the thumb and covering the index finger with the thumb. Close your eyes. Breathe normally. Focus on Anahata chakra and imagine the wheel on the centre starts spinning eliminating green rays of light. Experience the green light starts radiating, fills the chest region with the fuel of love, kindness and compassion. Continue meditation on the chakra for 15 more minutes. Imagine in each inhale the air brings in love and each exhale the air pushes out the hatred within. Feel the chakra is still spinning and spreading the warmth of love, kindness and compassion in the form of green rays in each and every cell in your body. Bring back your awareness to the physical state. Feel grateful to the element fire. Rub your palms strongly and touch experience the warmth first on Anahata chakra and then to the whole body. Slowly open your eyes and conclude meditation.


Meditation on Manipura chakra

Manipura chakra associates with the element fire which indicates the body heat. The fire element is a sacred power and the flame of life. It represents our ability to be confident and be the best controller of our own lives. The balanced chakra enables to identify our self worth, personal integrity and self control to live in happiness and enjoying self-esteem. It also strengthens the digestive system and enhances immunity.

Sit comfortably with spine straight holding ‘Agni’ mudra and placing the hands on the knees with palms facing up. Agni mudra is done by bending the ring finger to the base of the thumb and covering the ring finger with the thumb. Close your eyes and breathe normally. Focus on manipura chakra and imagine the fire element ignites the chakra and it starts glowing. The yellow flame is spreading out from the chakra embracing the whole body. Imagine the flame from the chakra starts cleansing and purifying the digestive system and upper abdomen thus purifying the whole region.  Manipura chakra, being the centre of vitality acts as a free flowing energy station to balance physical and mental strength and to ignite happiness. Concentrate on manipura and continue meditation for 10-15 minutes. Experience the yellow flame radiating in the whole body and spreading happiness. Feel yourself being more joyful, confident and empowered. Bring back your awareness to the physical state. Feeling grateful to the fire element rub your palms strongly and experience the warmth on the manipura chakra and then to the whole body. Open your eyes and conclude meditation.


Meditation on Swadhishtana


Swadhishtana chakra associates with the element water. It represents the inner purity, flow of happiness and wellness of self. The well balanced chakra awakes the inner child and increases creative energy in forming new ideas and technology and to find innovative ideas for the problems ahead. It also enables one to utilise the infinite amount of creative energy within to lead an optimistic life.

Sit comfortably with your spine straight. Take a few deep breaths and feel relaxed. Hold your hands on varun mudra and place them on your knees with palms facing up. Varun mudra is performed by touching the tips of the thumb and little finger of the respective hands. e in your normal breath. Close your eyes. Imagine the element water, focus on the chakra and meditate. Feel an orange light spreads from the chakra and flowing through all parts of your inner body. Imagine the flow is purifying each and every cell in your body. Now imagine in each inhale pure water enters into the chakra, pumps to all parts and in each exhale the water washes out the toxins from the body. Focus on the cleansing process and experience the orange light is brightly glowing in the chakra. Imagine the excretory system is cleansed, the blood is purified and all the fluids in the body are balanced and purified. Continue meditation on swadhishtana for ten more minutes on the orange light on the chakra experiencing the purity and happiness within. Feel grateful to the element water and bring back your awareness to the physical state. Rub your palms strongly and touch on the swadhishtana chakra to feel the warmth then spread the warmth to the whole body. Open your eyes and conclude meditation.


Meditation on Mooladhara


Mooladhara represents the element earth. The significance of meditating on mooladhara is to ground yourself to strengthen you. Being the base chakra, start meditating on mooladhara to build up your strength both physically and emotionally to have a secure feeling in your life.

Sit comfortably with spine straight on a chair or on the floor in sukhasana or padmasana. Keep your palms facing upward on the respective knees holding prithvi mudra. Prithvi mudra is done by touching the tips of the thumb and ring finger. Feel relaxed and breathe normally. Close your eyes. Concentrate on mooladhara. Feel the chakra is lighted up. Feel a sense of grounding by rooting yourself into the earth. Imagine yourself as an unshakable rock on the earth. Think that you are becoming more and stronger like a hill on the earth. Feel that the bones and muscles in your body is getting stronger. Imagine a red light spreads in your whole body grounding you more to the earth. Continue meditation on the chakra with a feel that you are so strong and stable. Meditate for 15 to 20 minutes. Bring back your physical awareness to the original state. Feel grateful to mother earth for enabling you to be grounded. Imagine the mooladhara chakra is opened, cleansed and balanced. Experience the secure feel within. Rub your hands strongly, feel the warmth in your palms on the mooladhara chakra and spread to the whole body. Slowly open your eyes and conclude the meditation by saying Om Shanti! Shanti!! Shanti!!!


Significance of the Seven centres (chakras)

The Sanskrit word chakra is literally wheel. Chakra is the energy centre in the body. Chakras are part of the subtle body and are meeting points of nadis, the subtle energy channels. The life force or valid energy moves through the nadi. Even though it is believed that there are many chakras in the subtle human body there are seven main chakras in our body. The main chakras are located vertically along the central channel, sushmna nadi (spinal cord). Chakras are the energy pools which govern our emotions. This invisible energy, ‘Prana’, keeps us alive and healthy. Each chakra has its own responsibility and vibration frequency that governs organal function to the immune system. Since life force needs movement it is essential that the seven chakras should be aligned and opened. The blockage in the chakras leads to physical and mental illness lacking the inner peace. Out of the seven chakras three are located in the lower body which govern personality and the rest four in the upper body which govern the mental attitude.

Root chakra is the first one, Mooladhara in Sanskrit, located at the base of the spinal cord. The energy is based on the earth element and is associated with the security feeling in the entire life. Sacral chakra is the second one, Swadhistana in Sanskrit, located about 3-4 inches below the belly button. The energy is based on the water element and so related to our emotions and with the sense of belongingness and well being. Solar Plexus chakra is the third one and is known as Manipura in Sanskrit. It is located 3-4 inches above the belly button and is based on the element fire. This chakra is associated with personal will power, happiness and self-esteem. Heart chakra known as Anahata in Sanskrit is located in the centre of the chest region and is based on the element air. This chakra is associated with love and compassion. Throat chakra known as Vishuddhi in Sanskrit is located in the centre at the base of the neck and is based on the element ether or space the pure medium through which sound travels. It controls the communication and expression. Third eye chakra, the sixth chakra, known as Ajna in Sanskrit is located in between the eyebrows of the forehead. Women wear bindi on the point to remind the power of intuition and foresight. This chakra is associated with the ‘Supreme Power’. Crown chakra is the top most chakra known as Sahasrara in Sanskrit. It is located on the top of the head and associated with brain and nervous system. This chakra drives us to higher state of consciousness and visions enabling us to be in touch with the universe. Meditate on the qualities of the chakras to balance them. Chakras are the portals to a deeper inward realisation of self. Mindfulness is the essential key to meditate effectively on balancing the chakras.


Wednesday, January 18, 2017

Meditation on a Point


Focusing on a point enables to concentrate on a single object/single task/single thought excluding all the distractions of everything else from outside and from within. Mind can be still and by developing concentration helps one to be more efficient to take charge of one’s own life. Concentration improves memory, makes more creative and helps in focussing on a goal. It also makes the mind to be more conscious to engage in positive thoughts gaining mental mastery to attain peace of mind. Meditating on a point should be practised with positive attitude and joy to get the best results such as inner strength and happiness, stronger will power, creative visualization and successful meditation.

Hang the picture of your favourite holy symbol such as lotus, Om, swastika, mandala, hamsa or whatever you like and prefer about 2-3 ft away from your eyes where you sit for meditation. Sit comfortably in sukhasana on a mat with back straight in a relaxed mood holding ‘Anjali mudra’. Anjali mudra is the Namaste posture performed by pressing the palms gently together in front of your chest. Focus on the symbol in the picture and start meditation. Breathe normally. Think about the significance of the holy image and spread the importance of the message within consciously. If you feel any strain in your eyes blink 3-5 times and continue meditation. Again if any stress in your eyes, feel free to close your eyes for a few seconds and open it to focus on the symbol. Continue meditation for 10 to 20 minutes. While concluding pay gratitude to the Supreme Power for the skill you attain in making your mind calm, still and sharp.




Meditate in a Holy Place


As part of pilgrimage, tour or by special chance we get an opportunity to visit holy places, prayer halls, meditation halls and sanctum sanctorum. Those are the sacred places to meditate and enter into a sublime state of mind. I remember my first experience of sanctity was at the ‘Temple of Consciousness’ at Aliyar near Pollachi in Coimbatore. The meditation hall was opened for all. As I entered the sanctum something extraordinary happens in me. The total silence changes the thought level and a feeling of positivity brightens me up.

The atmosphere in a meditation hall is filled with good vibrations and the divine energy elucidates bliss and ecstasy. The fights in our mind will get a sudden break down and our mind will get tuned to the point where we want to be. The positive energy awakes the divine energy within us and leads to a meditative state within seconds. Some other places where I experienced positive vibrations were Swami Vivekananda rock in Kanyakumari, Rishikesh, Haridwar, Varanasi, Lotus Temple, N. Delhi, Buddhist Bliss Culture Mission, Perth and Bahayi Temple, Chicago. The silence leads to the feel of oneness and enables to experience the calm and peace. Don’t miss an opportunity you get in a holy place to meditate, it measures more than what you think.

Sit down comfortably in the space provided and feel relaxed. Close the eyes. Take a few normal breathes to get in tune with the environment. While inhaling, draw the divine energy into your mind; spread it throughout your body passing through the life centres. While exhaling, send out the energy along with your energy of consciousness. Do the meditation at least for 10 minutes. The more you are able to meditate the more you can experience the divine energy of both the celestial and terrestrial passing through your body to experience with yourself and the love for the universe. The combined energy coming out from you from this meditation returns to you connecting with the power of the ‘Holy Place’. Slowly open your eyes and conclude meditation with gratitude to the Almighty.



Meditate along with a Divine Music


Those who love music can go for a music meditation. For me music is a true stress reliever. Concentrating on divine music enables our mind to focus on the serene music which is highly meditational and relaxing. The pleasant and cool vibrations makes one get merged fully and it soothes the mind and the soul. It makes one lightened, jovial and blissful.

                        Sit or lie down in a comfortable position and get ready for the meditation. Play the most loving divine music of your choice for a stipulated time of about 15 to 30 minutes. While listening to the music, travel through it, fill the music in your mind, then spread the essence of the music through our body. Focus on the music, repeat the process of filling and spreading the calmness of the music and the blissful moments in you. Let the music becomes your meditative object to immerse into meditation. This helps to free from distractions and enables to listen and concentrate on the ragas which relates to nature. The life centres in our body get energised and balanced in meditating on the divine vibrations of the gentle music. Once the music comes to an end be aware of your physical state, enjoy the bliss you experienced in your mind, soul and body. Conclude meditation with gratitude.



Tuesday, January 10, 2017

'Om' Meditation...

'Om' is the root mantra which is found in a majority of mantras. Om is the humming sound of existence. Om represents the whole universe. Om can be pronounced as AUM. In Hinduism Om is the sound of the Supreme consciousness and when Om is repeatedly chanted it creates Godly presence. Repetition of Om dissolves in mind in its divine source. Chanting of Om purifies the atmosphere and self and makes the mind still and leads to self realisation and experience inner peace.
Sun rise and sunset are the best time to chant Om. Sit comfortably with hands on the knees in prana mudra. Prana mudra is done by joining the tips of the thumb, ring and middle fingers. Meditate for 10 to 15 minutes chanting Om. If you need set a timer to remind you about the time. Take some deep breaths to get ready. Close your eyes. Think about the significance of Om. Breathe normally and feel relaxed. Breath in slowly. Pronounce Om in a slow rhythmic way while breathing out. Allow the vibrations of the sound Om rise from your navel to ring at your nostrils. The length of each chanting should match your normal and natural breathe out. Give equal measure to each sound 'Oooommmm' rather than 'Ommm' or 'Oooom'. Chanting Om cleanses your 'Aura' and offers self healing power. It helps to feel peace, bliss and happiness embracing the whole body, mind and soul.

Monday, January 9, 2017

Meditation focussing on Breath


                                                     Meditation focussing on breath is simple and easy technique for beginners. Meditation focussing on breath is quite powerful. One can experience inner peace and bliss by controlling the unwanted thoughts and making the mind still. This helps one to get rid of stress and fear. Also helps to build up a positive attitude towards life.

                                                     Sit comfortably with spine straight on a chair or in the traditional cross-legged posture. Let your breath be normal. Close your eyes to start the meditation. Concentrate on the normal breathing and become aware of the breath as it enters and leave the nostrils. Visualize the pure air enters while inhaling and the impurities are left out through the air while exhaling. Focus on the breath and concentrate only in the air entering and leaving the nostrils. If your mind gets distracted be aware to bring back your mind to the breath. While breathing in visualize every cells in your body is purified. Massage any points with your mind where you feel discomfort while inhaling and flush out the total feel of discomfort while exhaling. Once you are focussed on the breathing continue to meditate for ten more minutes. Before concluding, thank the ‘Supreme Power’ for the joyful opportunity of meditation. Pray for the wellness of the whole universe. Be aware of the physical state, rub your palms strongly and feel the warmth on your face. Slowly open the eyes and spread the warmth of your palms to the whole body.


Meditating on Crown centre


                                             Crown centre (crown chakra) is located on the top of the head. It is known as ‘Sahasrara'. Crown centre is the most powerful centre and all other centres get paled in the power of crown centre which influences brain functions such as memory and intelligence. Awakening of the crown centre enables the ‘Soul’ to unite with ‘Cosmic Consciousness’.

                                                             Sit comfortably in your favourite meditative posture with your spine straight and relaxed. Place your hand on your lap with palms facing upward with your right hand on top of your left hand. This helps to receive energy from the cosmos. Close your eyes and breathe normally. Now concentrate on the crown centre and visualize the divine energy acts on it. To activate the crown centre gently touch the centre and massage clockwise to feel the vibration. Again feel the divine energy is acting upon the crown centre and showering the energy vibrations in each and every cell purifying and strengthening your body and mind. Continue meditation for 10 to 15 minutes. Experience the calmness within. Experience your mind and intellect are enlightened by the divine energy and feel the lightness. Feel the oneness of yourself and the ‘Higher self’. Enjoy the eternal bliss. Shower the divine energy into the mother earth and bless prosperity, happiness and peace in the whole universe. Come back to your physical state. Thank the Almighty for the tranquil experience you enjoyed through this amazing meditation. Slowly open your eyes by rubbing the warmth of your palms on your face and head.




Know the Power of Kundalini...

                                             Root chakra (mooladhara) is located at the end of tail bone, the base of the spine. Root chakra is the centre of secure feeling in your life journey. It is related to courage and self-esteem. Any physical activity (exercises, walking, athletics and any kind of manual work) clears the blockage in the root chakra and allows the energy flow through it to balance the chakra. It makes one feel safe, comfortable and relaxed. This meditation is best to learn from an experienced teacher and practice by yourself.

                                               Sit comfortably on a mat with spine straight. Place your hands on your lap with palms facing up right palm on your left palm. Let your breathing be normal and feel relaxed. Close your eyes concentrate on root chakra and start meditation. Feel the divine power is acting on the root chakra. If you are not feeling the sense, touch the point by yourself and give a gentle massage clockwise, anticlockwise and then again clockwise. Continue meditating on the point till you feel the vibration on the point. Now feel the divine energy is getting pumped up to the crown centre through the spinal code and showering down to the feet to the ground. Focus on root chakra and continue meditation for 10 to 15 minutes. Experience the free flow of ‘Kundalini Power’ through the life centres. Awakened Kundalini Power helps one grounded to the earth. Visualize that the Kundalini Power aroused laid a strong foundation of stability in your life and opened the gateway to a higher consciousness.

                                                  Slowly come back to the physical state. Rub your palms strongly and feel the warmth on your tail bone area. Spread the warmth to the whole body up to your face and open your eyes. With gratitude to the Supreme Power conclude the meditation.

Meditating on Third eye centre


                                                    Third eye is the seat of wisdom and the point of sixth sense. Third eye processes the information and put that over and above our five senses. This enables to interpret and interact with the energy in a clear and logical way. It has to be tuned to work perfectly. Initiating third eye helps one to stay calm and peaceful. Third eye centre is the midpoint in between the eyebrows. Third eye centre is known as ‘Ajna chakra’. This is my ever favourite meditation. I would prefer to suggest this meditation for beginners, since it is the most powerful and sensitive centre to focus.

                                                        Sit comfortably with your spine straight on a chair or on a floor in sukhasana, padmasana, ardhapadmasana or vajrasana. Place your hands on your knees holding chin mudra. Take a few normal breaths. Close your eyes and clear your surroundings and yourself by giving autosuggestion ‘the atmosphere around me is getting clear and purified, the divine energy descends upon me and I am getting purified and blessed’. Repeat this for three times. Salute mom, dad and Guru. Feel that the divine energy acts on the third eye centre. Give autosuggestion ‘the divine power is acting on my third eye centre’. Experience the divine power is energising the third eye centre and the divine energy is descending in you and purifying your whole body and mind. Repeat concentrating on third eye centre and experience the purification followed by the calmness and harmony within. You can now feel the vibration on your third eye centre. Continue meditation for 10 to 15 minutes and enjoy the calmness within. To conclude meditation gives autosuggestion ‘by the grace of the divine power I am purified and blessed’. Repeat for three times. Bring your dear and near ones into your mental picture and bless them one by one, bless your friends, colleagues, neighbours, special blessings to anyone who are in need, bless your enemy if any. Then to bless the universe give autosuggestions ‘The whole universe may enjoy prosperity, happiness and peace’. Repeat this for three times.  Slowly bring your attention to the physical state, rub your palms strongly, open your eyes and feel the warmth of your palms on your face and the whole body. This meditation enhances your inner intelligence and unlocks your infinite potential to boost and idealise your life.  


How to get ready for Meditation


                                            Focussing the mind is a great challenge, especially for beginners. It is good to learn meditation from an experienced teacher, Guru, instead of going for self. Guided meditation helps to get into the path of inward focussing in a better way. So also beginners are greatly motivated in group meditation to express them and to get a better clarity within a short span of time. Once you are in the track of meditation, then you can do meditation by yourself.

                                          Early morning before 7’ clock is the best time to meditate. Morning meditation enables one to feel fresh and energetic for the whole day. Evening meditation can also be done by those who are not able to find time in morning which can help to rewind the day and have a good sleep for a nice tomorrow.  Loose clothes are advisable to meditate. Select a quiet room or a quiet place for meditation. Light stretching for a couple of minutes loosen you up. Sit comfortably and relaxed on a chair with back straight and feet on a mat on the floor. Sitting on a mat on the floor in sukhasana with back straight is my favourite meditation posture. Place your hands on your knees with palms up in dhyan mudra. Dhyan mudra is done by joining the tip of the thumb and index finger of the respective hands. Close your eyes. Breathe normally and start meditation as directed.

                                          Consistent practice and lengthy sessions are the keys of meditation to get better results. Daily practice is more beneficial to get long term benefits. A child from 8 year old can start practising meditation. Meditating at the same time everyday is important to include meditation in your daily routine.  Don’t meditate after a heavy meal. Commitment and dedication in doing is the thumb rule in successful meditation. Healthy life style makes meditation more effective. Don’t expect quick results. You will be discouraged. Wait and experience the miracle happening in self. While experiencing the joy of meditation you will be surprised to reveal that what is going around you, no matter you can meditate anytime, anywhere in your own way to shift yourself to a sense of serenity and peace.
 'Be kind to yourself'.


Saturday, January 7, 2017

Eat consciously and stay healthy.....

It is very important to maintain a healthy weight. Eat a variety of foods to assure the supply of all the nutrients required daily. The five major food groups are grains, milk, fruits, vegetables and meat, fish and legumes. Requirement of nutrients vary from individual to individual based on their physique, physical activities and health. Carbohydrates, proteins, starch, vitamins and minerals are essential nutrients to be included in daily diet. The calories in food must be balanced for a healthy diet. People on excessive diet may not get the required calories they need for good health. People with over weight are having high risk for blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, heart ailments etc.
Eat more vegetables and fruits without high sugar and fat.
Eat limited quantity of rice, cereal and bread.
Assure enough fibre in diet for better bowel function.
Eat less fat and less sugar.
Drink 8 to 12 glasses of water.
Avoid snacking to limit the calories in your diet.
Eat smaller portions, chew well to enjoy your meal.
Avoid or limit second servings to watch what you eat!!!


Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Why to meditate?


                                                                   The goal of meditation is to live in happiness and peace. Meditation is essential to turn off the mind when it wanders in negative thoughts. It is not based on wealth, health, money, status or sufferings, but on having an unwanted ego. Meditation is to focus inward and experience joy. Meditation trains the mind to stay still and allows one to go beyond the mind and enjoy bliss and peace. It helps one to love self to love others, to live humble to accept and respect others.

                                                                     Meditation can be seen as psychotherapeutic technique to heal mind and body. Meditation teaches to transform our mind from negative to positive. To live in the present knowing you is the commitment one learns from meditation. It is the primordial requirement of the human body and mind to be calm and still and this is possible only through meditation. The need of meditation is get rid of negative thoughts, worries and stress to live in peace. Meditation is to feel fresh and relaxed to deal with the chaos in our daily life. Meditation is to enhance the ability to accept and adapt to the stressful and emotional situations in everyday life. Meditation is for leading a quality life and to increase the immunity of our body. The main aim of meditation is to power charge ourselves enabling the natural capacity of healing embracing us to stay healthy and happy. Meditation is to build up total harmony in our body, mind and soul. It helps one to be a part of maintaining harmony in the universe.



Meditation....The need of the hour.


                                                     Meditation is a science which has a disciplined order with amazing results and not at all related with any religion. Meditation is focussing or contemplating. One can focus on the breath or a sound or a mantra or music or a specific word of one’s own interest such as Om, Amen or Allah. Meditation is a state of introspection. It is absolutely a precise technique for relaxing mind and body. Meditation helps one to attain a state of mindfulness, the essential key for quality living. It helps to reveal the inner self and know who you are. Meditation results in a crystal clear mind focussed inward. Even though you are awake and alert the meditative mind is under control of your beautiful soul. Once your mind stands still, no external forces can disturb you and lead you to material greed.

                                                    From childhood we learn to focus on external things and conquer material assets. We try to know all about outside and we know little of ourselves. We allow our mind to wander dreaming, fantasizing and hallucinating on what others have. We are so much worried of what we don’t have. We won’t take a chance to find out the strengths we have. That is because our mind is not at all still. Our attitude makes the mind wandering like a monkey jumping from one ranch to another waywardly. The practice of meditation helps one to look inward to build up self confidence and self esteem by identify the powerful inner self. Meditation is the real technique to discipline the mind which has a mind of its own. Meditation calms and allows to let go the hurt and pain. Regular meditation is the real gateway of ‘eternal bliss’.