Friday, January 20, 2017

Meditation on Manipura chakra

Manipura chakra associates with the element fire which indicates the body heat. The fire element is a sacred power and the flame of life. It represents our ability to be confident and be the best controller of our own lives. The balanced chakra enables to identify our self worth, personal integrity and self control to live in happiness and enjoying self-esteem. It also strengthens the digestive system and enhances immunity.

Sit comfortably with spine straight holding ‘Agni’ mudra and placing the hands on the knees with palms facing up. Agni mudra is done by bending the ring finger to the base of the thumb and covering the ring finger with the thumb. Close your eyes and breathe normally. Focus on manipura chakra and imagine the fire element ignites the chakra and it starts glowing. The yellow flame is spreading out from the chakra embracing the whole body. Imagine the flame from the chakra starts cleansing and purifying the digestive system and upper abdomen thus purifying the whole region.  Manipura chakra, being the centre of vitality acts as a free flowing energy station to balance physical and mental strength and to ignite happiness. Concentrate on manipura and continue meditation for 10-15 minutes. Experience the yellow flame radiating in the whole body and spreading happiness. Feel yourself being more joyful, confident and empowered. Bring back your awareness to the physical state. Feeling grateful to the fire element rub your palms strongly and experience the warmth on the manipura chakra and then to the whole body. Open your eyes and conclude meditation.


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