Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Chair Yoga for Seniors, Chair Savasana Relaxation

#covid19#lockdown#stayhomestayhealthy# Chair Yoga for Seniors, Chair Savasana Relaxation 
It is best to start the relaxation with the guidance from a Yoga Guru. This helps more awareness focussing mind on the flow. 
1.Relaxes the body.
2.Improves blood circulation.
3.Controls emotion.
4. Positive energy flows.
5.Calms the mind.
6. Creates a sense of bliss and harmony.
Switch of your phone. If possible put dim lights and play gentle yoga music. 
Sit up tall, back straight and supported with your chair back. Hands resting on the knees or lap. Let the shoulders fall down. Place your feet flat on the ground and feel comfortable. Take a few normal breaths and relax. Start relaxation. Breathe in, visualise pure air entering filling each and every cells, pushing out the impure air and toxins. Breathe out and visualise the toxins within is fully exhaled. Repeat for two more breaths. With each breath feel calm, sink into your own world. In this state start relaxing from the feet. Say yourself, ‘heat circulation, air circulation, blood circulation and energy circulation are all normal in the feet. I am feeling sufficient strength in my feet. Now my feet is relaxed.’
Like wise relax ankles, legs, knees, thighs, hip region, abdominal region, chest region, shoulders, hands, neck, head and face. 
Now the whole body is relaxed from the toes to the forehead. Enjoy the relaxed state. Experience the relaxed state within. It’s time to come out from relaxation. Strongly rub your palms, feel the warmth on your face, slowly open the eyes with gratitude, bring the hands crossed from the shoulders to the knees. 
Chair Savasana relaxation can be done before starting yoga or after the workout and even when you are free to relax. 
A committed and regular practice surely results in your physical and mental wellness ❤️

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