Sunday, May 17, 2020

Chair Yoga for Seniors, Self Head Massage

#covi19#lockdown#stayhomestayhealthy# Chair Yoga for Seniors, Self head massage ❤️
Head massage is a yoga warm up good exercises to do before relaxation.
Let’s use the magical power of our fingers to relieve the pain and stress in our body and mind.
1.Stimulates lymphatic system.
2.Strengthens optic nerve.
3.Massages the corresponding internal organs.
4.Calms the central nervous system.
5.Improves blood circulation and brain function.
6.Relieves neck and shoulder stiffness.
7.Relieves pain of headaches and migraines.
8.Stimulates ear nerve endings.
9.Produces endorphins and eliminates the toxins in the body.
10.Enhances the immunity.
Sit tall and comfortably on a sturdy chair. Take a few normal breaths and relax.
1. Run both your hands down from the forehead and reverse. Then through sides and up.
2.Bring the fingers on top of the head and give gentle tapping. From up to back, back to up. Also rub the whole scalp with circular motions using the fingers.
3.With the pinky fingers press the nose.
4.With the index and middle fingers from the top of the nose bridge and up above the eyebrows walk out to the temples.
5. With the thumbs give gentle circular motions on the temples.
6. With the index and middle fingers apply pressure in front and back of the ears. Press the jaws , throat and front neck with the thumbs.
7. Press the ear endings with the fingers up and down. Pull and push the earlobes gently.
8. Bring the fingers on the base of the head, apply gentle pressure, walk down to the shoulders and walk out to the end, cross the arms, press the shoulders in and at the mid point up to the base of the head.
Repeat this individually or as a whole for three times.
Feel the relief in the body and mind. A quick way to heal self using the inner power within.
Thank you friends 🙏

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