Thursday, May 14, 2020

Chair Yoga for Seniors, Sun Salutations

#covid19#Lockdown#Staysafestayhealthy# Chair Yoga for Seniors, Sun Salutations
Soorya Namaskar is an excellent yoga practice that helps achieve mind body balance.
Strengthens the whole body.
Stretches the whole muscles.
Breath and movement are connected.
Battles insomnia.
Relieves stress and anxiety.
Brings down blood sugar.
Aids in digestion.
Helps to lose belly fat.
Twelve steps are in Sun Salutations.
Inhale as you extend your spine.
Exhale as you arch your spine.
As a warm up do it fast.
As a whole workout do it slow.
1. Namaskar Pose in normal breath
2. Inhale raise your hands back.
3. Exhale come down to the feet.
4. Inhale lift your right leg towards your chest and stretch back.
5. Exhale bring your forehead towards the knee and the leg on the ground.
6. Inhale raise your hands back.
7. Exhale come down to the feet.
8. Inhale lift your left leg towards your chest and stretch back.   9.Exhale, bring your forehead towards the knee and the leg on the ground.
10. Inhale raise your hands back.
11. Exhale come down to the feet.
12. Back to Prayer Pose in normal breath.
The gentle movements helps keeping awareness to the breath.
Consistent practice is the key to success. If you are a beginner and having any health issues please consult with your doctor before starting the practice. Thank you 🙏

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