Friday, May 8, 2020

Chair yoga for seniors

Hand reflexology is so important when we consider chair yoga. It is gentle and nurturing. At the same time it is also a powerful healing therapy for whole body health and wellness. It stimulates the nervous system. It works in unison with the body to help protect and correct the physical and physiological imbalances. By working on the various reflex points in the palms, it stimulates the lungs, neck, shoulders, spine, thyroid, abdomen, knees, hearing and sight and so on. It helps the stiff joints and poor blood circulation. Understand the reflex points before commencing the exercise. It helps to detect the reflex points and the corresponding organs and systems in our body. 
Hand is easily accessible than foot. Once the pressure is applied to the point, the blocked energy starts dissipating. There starts the inner healing. 
Sit tall and comfortably on a sturdy chair. Relax your body. Take a few breaths. Start the massage. Stretch out your left palm in front of you or on your lap. With your right thumb gently press the palm starting from your wrist. Press gently the whole palm. When it reaches the bottom of the thumb go up pressing with thumb and index finger, come down pressing. When you cover pressing the palm, go up through little finger or index finger and come down. Then press the sides. Then go to top of left palm. Next from the wrist rub and massage your left hand top upto shoulders. Then come down rubbing and massaging the lower portion of your left hand from shoulders to wrist. Interlace your fingers and circulate a few times.
If you feel ticklish or pain while massaging concentrate on the point, give the pressure a little longer and rotations in a circular motion. Visualise the particular body part and take special care.
Now repeat on your right palm and hand.
Before concluding 
Interlace the fingers and Stretch both your in front of you.   
Bring them close to your chest. Do two more times.
Stretch out both the hands in front of you.
Squeeze the fingers. Hold for 5 seconds. Release. Do for two more times.
It’s done ✅ 
Sit relaxed. Take three more breath in breathe out. 
Strengthens the connection with body and mind. 
Relieves stress and anxiety.
Promotes deep relaxation and gets good sleep.
Increases healing potential.
Improves nerve functions.
Improves brain power.
Eliminates body toxins.
Enhances immunity.

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