Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Chair yoga for Seniors, Warrior Poses

#covid19#Lockdown#Staysafestayhealthy# Chair Yoga for Seniors, Warrior Poses 1,2,3 and reverse warrior pose.
Benefits of Warrior Poses
Strengthens the whole body, stretches the body muscles,
Tones the abdominal muscles,
Aids in digestion, Improves balance and full body coordination.
Sit tall on a sturdy chair. Take a few normal breaths and relax. Hold each step for 5 seconds. Experience the stretch.
Warrior Pose 1
Sit tall on Buddha mudra with feet wide apart.
Inhale, raise your hands up above the head and form Namaskar mudra.
Exhale, turn your right knee and torso towards the right while taking your left leg stretched behind.
Inhale return back straight.
Exhale,do it on the left side.
Inhale return back straight.
Exhale and return to the original position.
Warrior Pose 2
Sit tall holding Buddha mudra with feet wide apart.
Inhale,stretch the hands sideways on the shoulder level.
Exhale, turn your right knee and torso towards the right, taking your left leg behind, while gazing on the right hand finger tips.
Inhale return back straight.
Exhale do it on the left side.
Inhale return back straight.
Exhale return to the original position.
Warrior Pose 3
Sit tall holding Buddha mudra with feet wide apart.
Inhale stretch both hands shoulder level in front of your chest.
Exhale turn your right knee and torso towards the right, holding the hands straight in front of you and taking your left leg behind in a lifted position.
Inhale return back straight.
Exhale, do it on the left side.
Inhale return back straight.
Exhale and back to the the original position.
This pose can be done with one hand and use the other hand to support on the corresponding side of the chair.  Can see the pose is in the pictures.
Reverse Warrior Pose
Sit tall holding Buddha mudra with feet wide apart.
Inhale, stretch your hands sideways on shoulder level.
Exhale turn your right knee and torso towards the right, raise your right hand up and gaze your right palm while sliding down on your left leg which is stretched behind.
Inhale return back straight.
Exhale do it on the other side.
Inhale return back straight.
Exhale come back to the original position.
Strengthens chest, back, spine, hips, knees, legs, hands and eyes.
Enhances the stamina.
Relieves stress and anxiety.
Relax the mind, body and soul.
Improves posture.
Warrior poses are strong asanas.Do it slowly. Gain confidence and you can do it comfortably.

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