Villagers used to worship Sun, early morning. Then they start their field work, which they continue till sunset.
Stand erect facing east, the morning sun. Place palms in namaskar mudra in front of the chest.Think about the supreme power, the sun, concentrate on the power .
Look at the direction of the sun, not straight, breath in slowly and deeply, breath out slowly.
Imagine, you inhale travelling from your toes to forehead with pure air and exhaling impurities
out, from forehead to toes.Do this inhale, and exhale 11 times.
Then close your eyes and imagine, the sun rays are showering on you, filling with full off energy
and removing all tensions, stress, strain and pain if any from your body and mind.
You can experience, positive thoughts and attitude.
Makes one active throughout the day.
Solar energy, energises mind and body.
Ventilates lung, regularises blood, air and heat circulation .