Friday, June 12, 2020

Laughter Yoga Child like Play session

Good morning friends 🙏
Welcome back to Laughter Yoga @ Amritha Aluva.
Laughter is music to soul.
Laughter is a powerful stress relief medicine. 
It decreases stress hormones. 
It increases infection fighting antibodies.
It stimulates immunity.
Children can laugh through out their activities. They have no limits, no boundaries and no barriers in their world. In real life grown ups laughter lasts for seconds now and then. They depend on comedy shows or comedy movies to laugh unconditionally. In this fast world no time to watch a full show/ movie. 
Let’s join to laugh the stress away.
Today we are doing the third segment in laughter yoga.
The child like play. It helps the child to wake up.
Children loves appreciation.
1. Clap the hands saying ‘very good, very good’ and raise the hands up and say ‘Yey’ with a big laughter.
2. Hop around twice or thrice , look at the eyes of the other person and laugh.
3. Hold the hands of the participants in a circle, swing into the centre and swing out with a big laughter.
4. Run around the space and give high 5 or high 10 to other person looking at the eyes with a big laughter. 
The essence of laughter yoga system is to cultivate child like playfulness. This helps to stimulate the right hemisphere of the brain which is the seat of creativity. This helps generate new ideas, new insights and positive intuitions about our problems and issues in our lives. Let’s wake up the child within wanting to laugh and play.
Thank you all 🙏

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